Comment from: Nate

Comment from: buoncri

It’s good to have news about the development to know your plans for the future, thanks and have Good Work :-)

Great to hear, that b2evolution is on its way!
Keep to good work going. Thanks.

Hey, that’s great to hear! I’ve just weeks ago installed b2evo on the site because of it’s multi-user with user rights multi-blog abilities. But since the install I’ve worried a bit that development seemed to have stalled and wp (I use that for my personal, single-user single-blog blog) may have been the better choice… now I rest reassured that this was the way to go for the larger project.
Thanks for all your hard work and keep it up!

I love your bloging system. But I miss some features (like links or gallery), then I’d like to test the CVS version to see if you implement that stuff. Is here a changelog for the new version ?
Merci !

Thanks for the update Francois: greatly appreciated. I’m looking forward to the next version and meanwhile I might even try and get my head around CVS…
Comment from: Vin

Mailing Lists please
Comment Preview Button please
Tons o’plugins
Tons of good added features please

I’ll always be behind b2evo. Good luck with the development.
Comment from: Sergei

Make the Blog that when people regiter their can post straight away without the manual interference.

Excellentes nouvelles ! Merci et bon courage !

That’s great to hear François. I hope you guys make B2Evo into the Content Management System is so close to be, not just a blog, but a petite yet powerful CMS for blogging, news, and photo galleries. Please remember to include a Photo Gallery!
Comment from: Mohamed Almazroui

Great work….looking forward to the new revise of b2ev.

B2evo kicks ass! :D
But… I just thought I’d point out that not all of us need multilingual support, maybe a version without this?
Comment from: CLoWnZ

Hi François,
I just wanted to let you know I greatly appreciate your project. Your time, dedication and keeping it open source is a very honorable thing. I read some prior posts and saw some people whining about things and I was thinking what gives them the right to whine? Nothing. They should be greatful for this awesome scripting you’ve done. I do wish there was a larger type profile available for new users registering. Also the ability to add pictures in the profile with ranking stars underneath so they could be rated or ranked like hotornot.com and that the registered user name/password could be used with a phpbb installation. Im not at all complaining..I just am not a great coder. So Im throwing those ideas out there for anyone who does and maybe give em some ideas. I want to see your script to be the best, most used open source blogging system. I will definitely be donating to your cause soon :)
Comment from: danielmorrison

What about including the SourceForge stats on the home page? https://sourceforge.net/project/stats/?group_id=85535 (or via RSS). Maybe stick the graph in a noticeable location? I think it would be a cool way for newcomers to see how active the project really is.
However, I see that SF is having problems updating the stats… maybe when that is fixed.

Thank you for your update, it’s nice to know that core guys are developing new version. I hope we can get sneak preview soon.
I appreciate the news. It’s nice to (finally) hear that development is still active and making large strides.
You guys have done a great job so far, and I look forward to what you have in the future.