Category: "Translations (i18n/l10n)"

  • So you want to localize (mainly translate) b2evolution to your own language? Here’s how to do it with minimum effort by using the gettext system provided by b2evo. If this is the first time you are dealing with localization and/or gettext, you may… more »
  • These guidelines are for Translators. What tool to use As explained here, the best way to work on translation for your language is to use the Transifex online service. Transifex has the following distinctive features: If multiple translators translate… more »
  • General Rule All strings in PHP that need to be translated to a different language should be included in the T_() function like this: on your strings. This is the case for: Debug messages, including: all messages that appear in the debug info at the… more »
  • GNU Gettext This will allow you to use the xgettext tool to extracts strings from PHP files. New versions of b2evolution will be able to do this by introspection but just in case you need it in the meantime… If you’re on OS X, you can… more »
  • Plugins that do not get shipped with b2evolution have to provide their own translations. Inside your plugin’s directory (e.g. <code>example_plugin/</code>), create a directory called <code>locales</code>, where you create… more »
  • Download the language pack(s) you need from . Unzip the downloaded language pack(s) it into the /locales folder that you will find in your b2evolution file structure. If possible unzip your language-packs into the right… more »
  • THIS PAGE IS DEPRECATED. In a newer release, my language file contains translations that do not make sense... Yes, this is normal. These translations are automatic guesses for new strings you haven't translated yet. They marked as fuzzy and they ar… more »
  • Many users would like to just add a flag for their country, even if they don't use a localized version for their language. Here's how to proceed: Find the ISO 3166 code for your country. Let's assume it is XY. Find a flag for your country an… more »
  • In most languages a question arises as how to translate English: should the translation be in a formal or a casual style? Well, b2evo is moving towards a profesionnal content management system more and more, so the answer would definitely be rather for… more »

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