Blog vocabulary
Blog Client
Piece of software allowing to manage a blog remotely. Typically a desktop application. Example: w.bloggarMore » -
Blog Member
A blog member is a SiteMember who has been given any access permission to a Blog. A blog member is able to view ProtectedPost?s, contrary to non members of the blog.More » -
Blog Roll
A blogroll is a list of Blogs a Blogger is reading on a regular basis and wants to share with SiteVisitors. A blogroll is just a form of LinkBlog that is probably less frequently updated. A blogroll will typically be displayed as a sidebar to a main b…More » -
Blog or Weblog
A weblog (often web log or blog) is a website which contains periodic, reverse chronologically ordered posts on a common webpage. Individual posts (which taken together are the weblog) either share a particular theme, or a single or small group of…More » -
A person who publishes on a Blog. Wikipedia Synonym for Author.More » -
When a Post is published on a Blog, SiteVisitors? as well as SiteUsers? can leave comments on that post (unless the option is turned off). Comments typically appear under the post.More » -
Intro Post
Synonym for Item or Article.More » -
Link Blog
A link blog is a Blog used to record links (URLs) of interest. The links can then be displayed by date, by category, or other... A link blog can be used as a Blogroll.More » -
A Blog used to primarily showcase a collection of photos. A Photoblog will generally use a Skin? optimized for viewing photos.More » -
Photoblogging (or moblogging) can be achieved in b2evolution. Read [ the following forum thread] for details. [[Category:Multimedia]]More » -
Synonym for Item or Article.More » -
The Teaser part of a Post/Item is the first section of the post, i-e: the section between the beginning and the marker [teaserbreak]. By default, b2evolution will only display the "Teaser part" of a post while browsing a Blog/Collection and…More » -
Webmention is a web standard mechanism that allow bloggers to refer to each others posts, from one site to another. When you link to a website in a Item/Post, you can opt to send it a Webmention to notify it. The protocol is implemented by many…More »