Comment from: Sebastián Lalaurette

Great! That’s an excellent Christmas gift :-)
I will set it up on one of my sites where the spam problem is beginning to get out of control.
Thank you!
Comment from: shadowfoot

How up-to-date is the manual in regard to version 4? I’m in the process of upgrading from 2.4.6 and I can’t tell which pages are relevant.

Joyeux Noel !

Those who wanted to switch to 4.x specifically for the anti-spam warfare tools, please take a look at this:

Francois, One item I see here is that comments take a while to be approved.
It would reassure users if you could moderate the comments so it looks like b2Evolution.net is actively monitored and alive.
You know I’m a big fan and have been using b2evo for years so - this is just a personal feedback point.
Thanks for b2evo.

Wow - upgraded from 3.x to 4.x on my development machine, tested and upgraded on the live server in around 1.5 hr. Was expecting it to be difficult, /install script worked like a dream.
Twitter Plugin worked too Yeahhhhhh!

i’m glad that your excellent work have finally broght us this fantastic engine, keep it on!
Comment from: fplanque

Quick notes:
- It is normal that b2evolution will tell you it can’t replace .htaccess if you already have such a file. Don’t worry about it.
- It is normal that b2evolution will make a small adjustment to the DB if you try to upgrade from version v 4.0.2. Don’t worry about it.
There will be a v 4.0.4 with fixes to minor little bugs. Nothing critical.
Comment from: Wayne Dawe

I upgraded and though the process was smooth the error messages I received because I was using the basic antispam plugin were very irritating. Once I updated the _comment.class.php from the GIT repository as per http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?p=106978&sid=94b45e3fda5b08ee90cce1adde7d182a they at least went away but the default Gravitar icons that wouldn’t go away until I again updated _comment.class.php as per http://forums.b2evolution.net//viewtopic.php?p=106570#106570 frankly made me uphappy that a version update gave my blog error messages and made it ugly. I really think that update that included the latest patches should be released, an upgrade that produces error messages and makes my blog ugly is not appreciated.
Comment from: Samuel Shuffler

Hey Franc! Great job on b2e. Read your background and its really impressive. Really love the b2e skins. The b2e skins compared to what I see with the wordpress software on the wordpress site, I think your b2e skins are much more enjoyable than the skins I see on the wordpress site. There’s only 2 slight problems I have having with b2e 4.05 right now and that’s a few forms not working and the issue with trying to get the aggregate feature to work with the other blogs on the same database. But other than that, I am still learning the b2e system, and I am really looking forward to the next update. b2e is easy to install, easy to setup, looking forward to bte in the future. God Bless.
Comment from: James C.

Really loving this software.. it’s such a big change from wordpress and blogger!