hmm.. nice..
but where is the download?!?

Happy birthday to tilqi! :)
Comment from: fplanque

John: yes this is a major upgrade, including database upgrades. You must follow the regular upgrade procedure.
UnSkilleD: what seems to be the problem with the “download here »” link in the post above?
Comment from: tilqi

aw, that is very kind and one of the most interesting b.day congratulation i ever got..what a nice move for a webguy, a release named after him, even if it’s beta :P
3.0 was very solid even before the alpha release, this one should be even better.. the stable release should be close, nice news for those who can not wait for it to assuming it wouldnt take much to update to the stable from this one, we could use this comfortably
to UnSkilleD: try hard refresh -ctrl+f5-
Comment from: tilqi

just noticed: i meant to say “a release of one of his favorite web software named after him” but somehow forgot to type.the meaning changed a lot.
have fun everyone

Thanks for your great work. Very fast and easy update. Everything works fine for me.

I’m confused. Will there not be a release 3.0.0? Or is 3.1 on a different branch than 3.0?

Yes! Yes!! YES!!! My prayers have been heard! (Some of them, at least.)
Right now I’m fighting with CPanel to install the new version. I am really excited. You are all wonderful. (Until it breaks, that is. Then I’ll curse you all. Nah, just kidding; I just made a proper backup.)

Mmmh. Quicktags still don’t work in Opera with the HTML editor. They seem to work fine with the WYSIWYG editor, but I very much prefer the other one. Whatever. Cheers anyway!
Comment from: fplanque

Keith, the only 3.0.0 release there is ever going to be is the one we released in january. We change the version number with every new release.

We should get a list of sites with the new version so we can check them out.
I haven’t updated yet but plan to do so in a couple of weeks.
Comment from: JC John Sese Cuneta

Happy Birthday tilqicom!!
Comment from: Hopeful

Will there ever be better support for multiple blogs across multiple domains and hosts? Specifically state/cookie management? Still haven’t got a working solution (yes, I’ve been through the doc & forums). Ideally would have one that did not reveal the core domain name while still managing, say, 10 domains/blogs from the core/centralized app.
I can post further details in the forums. Just wanted to know if anything has been done in 3.0 to fix it so that multiple blogs across multiple domains (where each domain is its own account) will work. Thanks.

@Francois Planque:
i get redirected to the download-site.. and there is only the 3.0.0 alpha and the 2.4. found the beta in the archive ;-)
Comment from: fplanque

@Hopeful have you read the comments in the conf files. I think it shows you exactly how to do what you want.
$baseurl = ( (isset($_SERVER[’HTTPS’]) && ( $_SERVER[’HTTPS’] != ‘off’ ) ) ?’https://’:'http://’).$_SERVER[’HTTP_HOST’].’/';
$cookie_domain = preg_replace( ‘/^( .* \. )? (.+? \. .+? )$/xi’, ‘.$2′, $basehost );

Will the new version preserve the “permalinks” from the old ones? I am using 1.10 on one site, and on another one I use 2.x; in the 2.x case I see that the permalinks look a bit different, there is a “blog=” in the end.
The old permalinks are still resolved correctly, but I just want to be sure before I migrate.
Comment from: fplanque

Alex: yes permalinks are preserved. No worries here.
Comment from: mahdi

i’m from iran.i want use tilqi for a blogger service.can use or no?i want automaticly give a subdomain(blog) for everyone that signup.is it suitable for this work.plugins of 2.x work for 3.x?


All I want to know is. Can I just upgrade my 2.X to 3.1 in an easy way, just upload new files, or something like that, and keep all my posts so far safe? I am looking forward to test it. I was WP user but was realy anoyed by it, B2Evo is good even as it is, but wyciwyg is good news, as well as ajax.
Comment from: fplanque

Ivica: yes you can: you just need to follow the upgrade procedure documented in index.html in the zip file. Basically it is upload the new files then run the upgrade script. It takes about 5 minutes.
People often ask this question. Did you look for an answer to this somewhere on this site and didn’t find it? If you could tell us where to add info about easy upgrading, it would probably help other people too. Please let us know.
Comment from: Ivica

Francois, I have read comments on this post. As you must know, people are usually leasy in their attempts to find info on web sites if they do not find them at once. And so am I sometimes :) I agree that this is important question and something that might encourage people to download 3.1 so it would be nice to promote this as one of the good sides of 3.1 - Easy upgrade with no loss of old data. Where? Well, everytime you post article like this one it should be one of the first things to say. As one of the features… Also, some screenshots within the article can be interesting?
Hope this is good ansver and sorry if my English is not good, I am Serbian.
Comment from: Ivica

Francois, you dont have to post this one. Now I see that there are instructions in the download zone, but I did not look there since I am waiting for the stable release.
Comment from: ParejaBuscaNena

Guess the script’s look and features convinced me to install this script within the next couple of days. Keep up the good work.
Comment from: JT

Does plugins from version 2+ work with this release or everything needs to be patched?
Comment from: fplanque

The vast majority of 2.x plugins works without any change on 3.x.

I was planning to update my blog to 2.4.6, but I think I’ll give this a try after a back up. thanks :)
Comment from: Oyun

tilqi is interesting name i reminds a fox in my native language.
Comment from: Emin Özlem

It is actually.tilqi is for “tilki” which is Turkish for fox, however “tilki” was registered as you may guess..so i had to go with this one.
So, I’m guessing this upgrade means ALL files?