Comment from: Will

Kudos! Feedburner support is a very nice feature. The usual array of different feeds offered by the corresponding widget is confusing for the unsavvy user. I ended up dropping that widget and simply putting a link to my Feedburner feed.
A good feature would be to have also email subscriptions for comments to a particular post, instead of RSS. People are accustomed to the Blogger way.
I’ll install 2.4.6 as soon as I can. Cheers!

Thanks, fast update… ok, I have had some smaller problemes but it was not a b2evolution problem. Very good work.
Comment from: nechan

thanks for the update but is it possible that there is a small bug in it?
after uploading and replacing all the old files, it still says “We recommended that you upgrade to version 2.4.6 “New Year” which is available for download here.”
in my dashboard.
I saw those two .php files in the /install folder but i don’t know how to install them, i cant access them directly so maybe this is the problem why it shows the upgrade recommendation.
Can anyone help me out?
Comment from: fplanque

Nechan, you don’t actually need the files in the install folder. They should not be part of the quick upgrade ZIP. My mistake.
Regarding the message on the dashboard, you need to wait 12 hours for the dashboard to query the server for a status update. When you do a full upgrade the installer will tell the dashboard to pull an immediate update, but with the quick upgrade, since you don’t run the installer, you just have to wait a little ;)

Mh, the simplescript installer (via hostmonster) sounds great, but it seems to be installation only.
I don’t see the option for upgrade only.
Quote: Use Caution: This directory contains files that will be overwritten by this installation! Continuing to install will probably overwrite an existing website. (a_noskin.php, a_stub.php, admin.php and 29 more.)
I don’t think I’ll take this path.

Ah okay Francois! With regard to the v2.4.5 quick update I was astounded about this “install folder” issue too. Anyway, thanks …
Comment from: fplanque

Nicole, the simplescript installer should have an upgrade option somewhere. Ask your host.
Comment from: JC John SESE-Cuneta

The new feed field should have no character limitations :p
It is currently limited to 50 characters only ^_^
Other than that, 5/5 stars!
Comment from: Rune Hellem

Upgraded from 2.4.5 to 2.4.6 with a smile
Comment from: fplanque

Reminder: please don’t post support requests here. We cannot validate those. And if you do without even providing a valid email address, then we just cannot get back to you. :/
The best place for obtaining support is the Forums tap on the top right of this page.

Im fairly new to b2 but the quick update was easy and painless! I love this package. Great work!!

I’m a bit confused about downloading the upgrade. The download seems to want to put the program on my PC. But isn’t the software running b2evo on the remote Hostmonster computer that houses my blog? Since I’m not sure how this works, I’d appreciate a little guidance, if you please.
Comment from: fplanque

Rich, yes you must download the package to your PC and then upload it to Hostmonster.
Once you download the package and unzip it on your PC you will find detailed instructions in the file named index.html.
Aletrnatively you could ask HostMonster to upgrade b2evolution for you. If you have used their simplescripts installer the first time, then upgrade is just a one click operation.

new to this … using wordpress currently…
b2evolution has some nice plugins … don’t know enough yet to critique.. so far so good …
i’m the first :D