In the 2.4.1 to 2.4.2 download the htsvr folder is included but is empty.
Should it be empty ?
Comment from: fplanque

Just clean fixes, nothing that should break… (plugins and skins from 2.4.1 should work on 2.4.2 without a single change) No new hooks or features either, otherwise it wouldn’t be just clean fixes.
The translation POT file has not been upgraded, so translations are the same as for 2.4.1. As much as possible, when moving from x.y.* to another x.y.* there should be no database and no translation differences. This is the case here.
John: any empty folder just means there are no files to replace in there and I overlooked to remove the folder. You should not delete any files. Just replace the files provided and if there is a folder with no files, ignore that folder.

Francois, thanks for confirming that htsvr isn’t required.
This is the simplest upgrade from a previous version ever.
Comment from: fplanque

John, htsrv *is* required (for posting comments for example); it just doesn’t change from 2.4.1. So you just leave your htsrv from 2.4.1 on your server and don’t touch it.
But I see on your blog you already run 2.4.2. Congratulations! :)

Oh NO! I’ve already deleted my htsrv dir :)) I’m just kidding.

Awesome, thanks Francois. Just putting the finishing touches to a new CSS only dynamic menu on my skin. Works beautifully http://b2evolution.net/rsc/smilies/icon_mrgreen.gif
Comment from: The Dreamer

Oh sure….I just spent the weekend moving my blog to a new domain and upgrading to 2.4.1…(from 0.9.2).
And, now I have to upgrade again….
Comment from: Srinath Sadda

I just installed “b2evolution” script through automatic installer “SimpleScripts". After installing 2.4.1 it displays ‘upgrade available’ option. Finally i ran the upgrade script (Just One Click !), then my weblog is upgraded to latest stable version 2.4.2.
The upgrade process is very easy (even with manual upgrade). Thanks to “b2evolution” Team and HostMonster for providing automatic script installer.
Thank You :)
Comment from: guido waldenmeier

Monday Morning update rock n roll
ok most of us have nothing to do
work pfpfpf
skool pfpfpf
better update YA blog ;)
Comment from: fplanque

The Dreamer: this upgrade is going to be a walk in the park compared to 0.9.2 to 2.4.1. You’ll need 5 minutes tops!
Comment from: laygnuk

One more of those perfect update released ! updated in a minute or so :)
I think it’s time for a donation !
Comment from: Mariano Iglesias

@Francois: awesome update! I’m glad all I had to do was replace files, almost as easy as an SVN patch :)
Thanks for all the work you guys keep putting on b2evo, I wish you would be using CakePHP for some of your projects so then I would know I’m giving something back ;)

Looks like 2.4.2 was A.P.U.
Another Painless Upgrade.
Thanks again!

yes.. the upgrade was easy,.. the remembering my SQL password is not lol
THX !! :)

Upgrade in two minutes and everything works fine. Thanks for your perfect work
Comment from: VitorCunha

The fastest upgrade ever.
Just uploaded the files and made a minor edit in my skin CSS and index.main.php. Everything was back on track again.
No SQL or configurations involved whatsoever! ;)

Yup, good work. It also took just two minutes here. Thanks

Like a breeze, just like everyone else said before…
Now how do I, huh, use the new skins? Are they in the “diff” install, or do I have to download the whole bulk?

Sorry, I hadn’t noticed “Skins install", I thought it was automatic.
Great work again! Thanks a lot!
Comment from: Nate

Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for providing a “just the changed” files upgrade package. I have various “tweaks” applied to my setup, and knowing beforehand what files are going to be changed is a big help (in conjuction with the admin upgrade notices)!

thanks guys, as always: awesome work!
you rock ok!!
Comment from: Pandu E Poluan

Whoa, just when I’m going *serious* (yeah, seriously), there’s an update :)
No prob… will squeeeeez some time to do the update… I’m waiting for the day I can see my own blog listed among the userblogs in this site ;)

I remember suggesting this before but I’m not sure so here it is:
We should allow users to edit their own anonymous comments within 30 seconds of posting. This is something that typepad allows.
It comes in really handy. I don’t know how hard it would be to program but it will be great to have.
Have you consider having a “feature” list out there where the community gets to vote on what features to implement on the next release?

Could you give us a quick update on what’s been going on at the b2evo dev labs?
We haven’t heard from you in a bit…What are you working on?
Comment from: fplanque

News coming in September! Promise! ;)
Comment from: Murali (Donthecat)

Francois, my offer to host you during your visit to Chennai stands enforced… :D
I’ve been postponing the upgrade from 1.9 for a while now. And finally got some time to do it last night. The whole Op went smoother than slicing thru butter. This is the easiest upgrade I’ve ever done with b2evo. Kudos FP..
Yet to customise the skins on the wife’s and my blogs, but my son’s blog came out purrfectly.Guess I’m going to experiment with the 3 columns for my Blog this time :-)
btw, can you pls add the Indian flags to the flags folder when yout get some time off? Right now,everytime I install b2evo, I copy the files from my local folder . I can mail you the resized flags anytime.
You waited till AFTER my long weekend to release 242 minutes before I have to go back to work?
I downloaded but haven’t unzipped yet. Any new hooks in there? Any area that might be “your stuff might be affected by …” or is it all just clean bug fixes? Also do the bug fixes include anything translators should care about, or is a 2.4.1 translation still perfectly valid?
I’m looking forward to making sure all my plugins work as I would want them to, then upgrading. Too bad I got this job thing to deal with first :(