I would like to help you take some of that load:
Maybe there’s a way we can create a sort of network of people who can help. I have experience in some areas, but might need to sub-contract other areas of expertise.

I can do custom skinning/creating a skin to match wordpress etc. but I need to be paid by the person who wants the service done.
Is that OK?
Comment from: fplanque

Yes, all these requests are for paid work, of course. And you deal with the client directly. I only want to connect buyers and providers. I won’t charge and I won’t be involved in the projects.
Comment from: Greg Willson

I recently wrote a contact database plugin for engineers without borders’ install of b2evolution. I have worked with b2 quite a bit in 3 years, and can handle any of the common requests. - I will be working to make my contact database plugin available through the community here as a gpl plugin. So, send some peeps my way,. its appreciated!
Greg Willson
Nederland, CO
Halifax, NS

hello francois,
I’m able to help user with the b2e installations for free. I’m woking with different customer blogs every day (shared hosting work), so I know the common problems and raw setup solutions.
have phun

We are available to assist with any project that you send our way. We have 7+ years in development to include computer programming, database development, and website development. We specialize in open source projects. We also offer design services and SEO. Feel free to give out our information. :yes:
Tomika Cox
Project Manager
Programming & Designs International, Inc.

I would love to help out people with installation, custimization and usage of b2evoulution. Note, i have alot of time on my hand, so i can set up a blog for somebody FOR FREE. No catch.
Andrei Z
Email me now… azbikow2[at]gmail[dot]com
Comment from: Esteban Smith Lopez

I’ve sent you a link to my professional profile, and can work via odesk or directly with you or the customers. I would suggest that if you have alot of work that odesk outsoucing might help as it is a guaranteed income for you, otherwise you or your clients may contact me directly and you will need to let me know how much commission you will be looking for. I look forward to hearing from you.

Count me in. Ready and able to help.http://b2evolution.net/rsc/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif

I am interested in being added to the list as well. I can do all except write plug-ins. I installed b2evolution on my server and I skinned it to match the main site. The main site is just standard HTML and only the blogs are through b2evolution. One of the reason I went with b2evolution was the ease at skinning it to match my main site. I wanted my blog to look different from all the other b2evolution users and it was easy because b2evolution actually gave some thoughts to skinning; not as an after thought like some of the others.
Comment from: fplanque

All right,
I have stated a page listing b2evolution professionals.
I will send all my leads/contacts to this page and let them decide.
Instructions for being listed on this page appear in the right column.
Comment from: Trond Kevin Stene

I can help with some of the lines, and have i firm registered for these options. I’m from Norway, so skandinavian clients would be great. I’m no so good in designing, but I mannage setting up the site, getting plugins and custom wishes to work.
Comment from: JC John SESE Cuneta

I can help with:
1) installation of b2evolution (always the latest stable version only).
2) conversion of themes/skins/templates to b2evolution (always latest stable version only), provided permission has been granted (need a copy of the written permission [email])
Comment from: JC John SESE Cuneta

I forgot to add, with regards to b2evo installation, I will install additional skins and plugins - for installation only as well. If there are skins/plugins problem/bugs that I’m not knowledgeable about (thus can’t fix), I’ll leave it as inactive.

Yes will be glad to design, test and install skin.

Yes, I would like to take some customization, install
design too.

I can also help to have your contact, their own skin.

And me too. But I am better in coding (PHP/MySQL/AJAX) than design ;)
Kind regards
Marek Dajnowski

I’m a web designer and branding consultant. I can customize skins. Sample: http://www.rocktownhall.com/blogs
Comment from: Tenshimitsu

You can add me as well :)
* I Can design a skin matching somebody’s current site.
* I Can port/convert somebody’s WordPress theme to b2evolution.
* I Can help somebody with installation on your server.
* I Can help somebody integrate your blog(s) into your site.
* I Can help somebody optimize your site.

i can help with installation of the site into the server…do gimme a buzz if needed.i’ll b pleased to help.

hey francois,
do you still have a need for help with these? my current workload is slowing down a i bit, so i’m looking for some side work. i’m mostly a designer/skinner and can do related things, though i don’t feel up to creating plugins…
well if you like you can send me some more info