Comment from: indrek

Comment from: fplanque

The download link has been fixed. Sorry about that.
Comment from: Gabriel Pradiipaka

Good work, but considering I will have to customize skins, etc., which is a bitter time-consuming task, I wonder why should I upgrade my Florida to Key West? In other words, what is that so special about Keywest going to force me to upgrade under such unfriendly circumstances (you know, re-customize everything is the last thing I want and need :(!).
If the advantages are not worth my effort, I think I’ll wait for a 2.x stable version in the future. Thanks for your help in advance and keep it up!
Comment from: fplanque

Gabriel, if you are running Florida, upgrading to KeyWest requires ZERO customization.
You just take your Florida skin and use it with Key West. Period.
Comment from: Gabriel Pradiipaka

Oh well, the instructions about upgrading were a little intimidating, you know. But, if it is a piece of cake, I’ll do it. Thanks and sorry about my previous smiley. Hopefully this will be inserted in a proper way: :D

Differences between 1.10.2 and 1.10.3 in the blogs directory are:
17 different files & 1 file without peers
Cheers, Jan
Comment from: Gabriel Pradiipaka

Oh amazing! This info simplifies my work immensely! Thank God I hadn’t upgraded the blog yet… and thank YOU Jan for your comment. This upgrade will be a real piece piece of cake :yes:
Comment from: Tensh

Will there be simply a built-in avatar? It’s a must-be in any system, it gives the identity to the user.
I’m sick and tired with avatar plugins…
Wordpress has this feature. It’s anyway a clean and tidy system with a static page addition.
Comment from: fplanque

Tensh, we can do that but are you expecting shared avatars on a centralized server or specific avatars set up for each specific b2evo blog?
Comment from: Tensh

Well, most of the cms and blog systems have a profile enriched with the place to upload avatar. With addition of custom fields (text, textarea, checkbox or any other type) the admin can customize the site’s User profiles. It’s a great thing that makes our blog community standing-out the crowd.
Hmm, different avatars for different blogs aren’t neccessary I think. It’s anyway a picture that describes us. No need to change it… The author is recognizable by the picture in a second, seeing other avatars in other blogs might be quite misleading…
I love the multiblog feature of b2evolution together with intuitive interface, great management of the post and lots of functional options.
But the avatars… It will also make it easy to display avatars in user comments which is a nice thing…

Tensh did you give v1 of my avatars plugin a go?

Good to hear that this one is compatible with the little older skins. I am actually downgrading from 2.0 to this one because of that.
Hi guys!
On your download page, link refers to 1.10.2 download not to 1.10.3.