b2evo 1.10 "Miami" released
b2evolution 1.10 "Miami" has been released.
You can download it here.
This is a beta version but as it is built on top of the super stable version 1.9.3, we're pretty confident that it is stable already. However there have been enough antispam core changes to warrant this a beta label just in case some side-effects would appear.
This version contains features we could easily release without waiting for 2.0. So why wait? ;)
There are 3 main improvements in this version:
- It blocks even more spam than before! You should probably upgrade for that alone! ;)
- It looks better, especially with the new Miami Blue skin.
- It adds new features by way of new bundled plugins, especially: YouTube videos, code highlighting and XML sitemaps.
As always, we included as many little bug fixes as possible.
Upgrading will be fairly easy as the skins from version 1.9 will work on version 1.10 also. And the skins from version 1.8 will require only minor adjustments, if they need some at all.
There is no diff file. We only do diffs for minor upgrades. This one requires to follow the normal upgrade procedure outlined in index.php inside of the ZIP file.
Longer list of changes:
- Antispam filtering on private/email messages.
- Improved spam defeating methods.
- "Contact the admin" link on all skins.
- New bundled plugins :
- Added Sitemaps plugin(blueyed, fplanque)
- Added Code highlight plugin (yabba, fplanque)
- Added Video plug plgin (fplanque)
- Updated Quicktags plugin (fplanque)
- New bundled skins :
- Added l33t_gray skin (demented kitty)
- Added Miami Blue skin (miami condo real estate)
- Bug fixes :
- Fixed logging of refering spam (when spam refs are not blocked)
- Fixed group permissions
- Fixed "Undeclared entity error" with the htmlchecker, e.g. if " " got used. (blueyed)
- Locales have been standardize to ISO-3166
- Additional bug fixes.
- Developer stuff:
- Standardized Meta robots handling with robots_tag(); set $robots_index and $robots_follow to NULL if you want to completely with a plugin. Set them to true within a plugin to have them handled by the core.
- Added hooks: FilterItemContents, UnfilterItemContents (fplanque)
- Improved hooks: LoginAttempt, MessageFormSent. (blueyed)
- Less javascript required for toolbars.

Comment from: JC John SESE Cuneta

wee…. it’s here!!
time to upgrade..
Comment from: Marcus Sörensson

Woohoo great now I know what to do in thos weekend :) Time to upgrade. Thanks for the great work!

its time to upgrade my blog to Miami.
I just upgraded to a new laptop, upgraded my systems to Vista, my mobile phone to E50 and I guess its time to upgrade my blog to Miami. :-) :-)
I’m installing Miami on a new portal I’m building for my Alma Mater. Its one of the oldest colleges in India (1837) and I’m also planning to place a prominent link to b2evo on the portal pages.
Havent been able to upgrade my own blog since 1.86 cos of biz committments. Guess I shld simultaneously do that too.
Keep the Part Alive, Mr.Planque. We owe you one :-)