Comment from: Arnaud

When will we see Phoenix release?
Oh, and btw, why is rel=nofollow added to the comment author’s url? I think that should be applied only to links inside the comments. I think that commenters should be encouraged to do so, and with rel=nofollow on the url it’s like “hey, I don’t trust you".
Comment from: fplanque

As Arnaud has pointed out, there is a problem if you are running your blog as the root page for your site… which is actually quite common :/
I am terribly sorry about that. I have removed the download from sourceforge and will be posting a fixed file ASAP.
If you have already installed, there seems to be a working fix posted by vy in the thread pointed by Arnaud.
Comment from: fplanque

About rel=nofollow . This default behaviour is here so that spammers get the message than searching for b2evolution powered blogs and spamming them won’t help them at all.
Also, if you put nofollow in one place but no the other, spammers are just going to use the other. You can trust them on that! :-/
The plan for “phoenix” is to let you moderate comments and check a box to remove the nofollow when the comment is clear.
As for the release date, b2evolution is produced mostly on my spare time. I cannot dedicate a fixed amount of daily time to the project. This makes any projected release date irrelevant. (Still want an irrelevant release date? Okay let’s say October 29th but you’ve been warned…) (October 29th is actually my birthday, that’s the only thing I know for sure :>>)
Comment from: fplanque

The sourceforge site being down I cannot publish an updated release right now…
Anyway, I have a fix posted in the forum thread pointed above.
Comment from: fplanque

The release file on SourceForge has been updated (there’s a little ‘b’ in the filename now ;) ). It should be working fine now.
Thank you to all of you who have done unexpected testing on this and who have reported their concerns. I am sorry for the inconvenience and hope this new release will now live up to your expectations!
Comment from: Aaron

My main two concerns with b2evo are spam and little control over who can make a comment, so this is basically like the Phoenix release to me, thanks.
Comment from: laygnuk

Superbe performance ici, cette derniere version court comme
une fusée!! je suis impatient de voir le “phoenix” ressplendissant! ça fais 1 jour que je n’ai plus de spam, aujourd’hui je n’ai pas du bannir qui que ce soit…
c’est perfect! MERCI! :)
Comment from: Stephen Ralph

Thanks for the info PLANQUE. I really look forward to the new anti-spam features. Good work people.
Comment from: Max Sverdlove

I can’t make stub files anymore… It gives me a can’t give header error message when I try to create them. Good thing I don’t use them.

Sounds promising, then.
My thought is just that since keeping an up-to-date anti-spam list and a functioning blacklist in .htaccess there are little or none spam coming through and that’s why I think rel=nofollow should be lifted from the Site URL. But if it’s implemented as you describe in Phoenix, I’m satisfied with that :)
Comment from: oliver milius

hello francois,
could you please include the “B2evo Multiblog System by Raptor” in your next release? raptor is a user in your forum and he created a small and good working mod that makes it possible to host multiblogs for different users (on subdomains) … this feature is a MUST HAVE for us webhosters … i think THAT would really kick open the door to mass-using of b2evolution … which is by the way a very nice peace of software meanwhile - keep up your good work!
all the best from germany,
Comment from: prashant

THis is an excellent release and I look forward to upgrading my current blogs. Having installed Dawn, the speed improvements are amazing…
How exactly was this accomplished. I have another application which writes to a mysql-database that seems slow much like the lag after posting in a bold 0.9.0 b2evolution blog. I would like to adopt some of these performance improvements elsewhere…
ALSO, We need a b2evolution mailing list so that users can know which version is released, etc.

My link to public stats doesn’t show this 410 error message, it just shows the directory listing for the current skin.

Great to know about the changes adn the speed.
I’ve a query. I’m using b2evo v and have made major changes to some of the pages.
What would be the result of running the install acript in this case ?

just wanna know if this version supports self registration along with email activation and subdomain… all done automatically when someone registers.

will the topicicon renderer plugin (by dan) for work in this release too? It´s a must have for my site. without it I simply can´t do the update…
Comment from: Don Seiler

Will this (or soon-to-be-released) version have the support for Wordpress imports? In the forum thread at http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=4537&postdays=0&postorder=asc&highlight=wordpress&&start=0 in June, Graham said, “There will be in the next version, which will be released before the summer is over.” Just wondering if that is in here.
Also, will b2evo support multiple blogs under different domains? Similar to gallery2 or phpwebsite where I could have one instance under http://myblog.com and another under http://foo.com/bar/blog, all running off of one codebase. That would be the “killer feature” for webhosts, I think.
Comment from: Don Seiler

Ah I just saw the Phoenix ALPHA features list, so n/m that second question. Still wondering about Wordpress imports.
Comment from: Arnaud Bonneville

Hello ! I wanted to congratulate you for the improvements of this Dawn version, I was using Paris version before, and the performance is considerably increased ! Thank you very much for your efficient job !!

It seems there is problem related with Main Locale change to Turkish. I got xml warnings. I mailed Francois. Aside from it, yeah, the new version is more powerfull and usable. Especially hiding the current blacklist offers the user just clicking the link to get blacklist instead of waiting the pre blacklisted keywords’ verification and displayed on the site with a green check.
Comment from: Vaclav Mach

I am stuck. I have downloaded b2evo at the January, and made tons of small changes to fight the spamers (even banned all domains with two or more dashes in the url). Did not think about upgrading that time!
Comment from: Sylvestre Ledru

I use b2 for a long time and I must say that this version is amazing for spam protection and performance !
Awesome job !

Great to know about the changes adn the speed.
I’ve a query. I’m using b2evo v and have made major changes to some of the pages.
What would be the result of running the install acript in this case ?
Comment from: blueyed

What do you mean with “some of the pages"? Some /b2evocore/ files?
I’d just try the install/upgrade procedure, while having a backup ready.
Comment from: Martha

I installed b2evolution last week, using the automatic install feature available in Bluehost–but the version installed (by Bluehost) was, which I see is stable with a patch. It seems rather erratic in its behavior, but I’m just learning, so maybe it’s me….
Should I try to patch it, or download and upload 0.9.1 (via dialup connection)?
Or, maybe you weren’t aware Bluehost was still installing and would want to change that with them. I’m early enough in my experiments to just uninstall and reinstall, if 0.9.1 were available soon through Bluehost.
Please advise–and thanks.
Comment from: Martha

I contacted Bluehost about replacing the version they are still offering for automatic installation with 0.9.1, and this was their reply:
“The new version of b2evolution comes from the Fanstastico company http://www.netenberg.com/, once they have the new version available, Fantastico will automatically download the update for the script. The new version of scripts usually is available within 1-2 months of the new version being released.”
If you experience the following problem accessing your blogs after the update :
http://domain.net/ –> not working
http://domain.net/blogname –> working
go and read this : http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=5455
By the way, a big thanks to the developpers, this release is indeed faster.