Comment from: fplanque

You gotta click on file filesize in the “DOWNLOAD” column.

Sorry… I think my browser window wasn’t wide enough, and there is no horizontal scrollbar when I view the downloads page. Either it’s disabled via javascript/css/etc. or it’s a Firefox 0.9.2 bug.
Comment from: graham

Better upgrade to Firefox 1.0PR then :P

are there any instruction for how to do this upgrade manually, even not in user frindely style?
like change file… function…
cause it will really save me a lot of work,
and thanks for the great code

Upgrading wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be as instructions suggested I used the free WinMerge tool and it worked like a champ! I am not really used to this kind of upgrade but doing file by comparison really begins to get one understanding a little bit how the motor works!
Comment from: Carl Ekard

Still can’t figure out how add a simple thing like notify mailing list of new posts? tsk tsk sad
Comment from: Etonné

I was very surprised to see that the user name, database name and the password are writen in clear in the _conf.php file :(
I think that this can be a security issue :(

how i can upgrade my b2evol from to
thank you

For a long time there is no updating

When the following version is expected?

Thank you
Very nice site
Please more updates!

I have just installed b2evolution on my site and have nothing but praises for it.
Keep up the good work

I want to install a shoutbox for my regular visitors. I am running b2evo “Paris". Anybody care to help.
Comment from: Joymarquis

Bugs for the gb2312 setting in []!
Admin->Blogs->New Blog->(Set “Main Local:” to “Chinese GB2312″)->Save
Creating blog…
Warning: xml_parser_create(): unsupported source encoding “gb2312″ in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 46
Warning: xml_set_object(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 51
Warning: xml_set_element_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 54
Warning: xml_set_character_data_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 56
Warning: xml_set_default_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 58
Warning: xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 59
Warning: xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 60
Warning: xml_parser_set_option(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 62
Warning: xml_parse(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 96
Warning: xml_get_error_code(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 98
Warning: xml_get_current_byte_index(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 106
Warning: xml_parser_create(): unsupported source encoding “gb2312″ in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 46
Warning: xml_set_object(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 51
Warning: xml_set_element_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 54
Warning: xml_set_character_data_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 56
Warning: xml_set_default_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 58
Warning: xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 59
Warning: xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 60
Warning: xml_parser_set_option(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 62
Warning: xml_parse(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 96
Warning: xml_get_error_code(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 98
Warning: xml_get_current_byte_index(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 106
Warning: xml_parser_create(): unsupported source encoding “gb2312″ in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 46
Warning: xml_set_object(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 51
Warning: xml_set_element_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 54
Warning: xml_set_character_data_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 56
Warning: xml_set_default_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 58
Warning: xml_set_external_entity_ref_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 59
Warning: xml_set_unparsed_entity_decl_handler(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 60
Warning: xml_parser_set_option(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 62
Warning: xml_parse(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 96
Warning: xml_get_error_code(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 98
Warning: xml_get_current_byte_index(): supplied argument is not a valid XML Parser resource in /home/opencms/public_html/demo/b2evolution/b2evocore/_class_htmlchecker.php on line 106
Cannot create, please correct these errors:
* Parser error: near

I’ve just installed it. But got problem with this version and it hasn’t been sovled. I am going to try new version 0.9.12

Sorry, the xml tags messed everything up. Let me try post it one more time. I replaced < with [.
I installed latest When I hit Save to update blog with Main Locale = “Chinese(S) gb2312 (CN)", I got the following error:
Parser error: No error near [?xml version="1.0″
I traced the problem to line 215-127 in b2blogs.php
$blog_tagline = format_to_post( $blog_tagline, 0, 0, $locales[ $blog_locale ][ ‘charset’ ] );
I just hardcoded a $hack_local="en-US” on those 3 lines to avoid the issue. I don’t know what harm it can cause in the long run. For now, I can move on.
When I traced, eventually it all boils down to line 96 in _class_htmlChecker.php:
if( !xml_parse($this->parser, $xhtml) )
I echoed out $xhtml. The xml parser doesn’t like the following xml text:
[?xml version="1.0″ encoding="gb2312″?]
[!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN” “http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"][body]my tagline[/body]
In a nutshell, appears to be an XML parser issue. This is as far as I can trace.
Unless I’m missing something, there are no actual download links on http://b2evolution.net/downloads/index.html
Looking forward to upgrading to b2 evolution!