Comment from: Keith Bowes

Comment from: fplanque

We will be updating the SourceForge CVS with version 4.1.3 shortly.
(We do not use SourceForge in real time any more because they have too much downtime over the year.)
Comment from: Bogdan

I want to upgrade from 4.12 to 4.13. In the “Quick upgrade patches” I see the following:
“No database upgrade is necessary if you only want to upgrade from a.b.x to a.b.y, for example, from 3.3.1 to 3.3.2. You can upgrade just by replacing a few files. Just make sure you properly update your /conf files.”
There are many files in the /conf directory. The most important one seems to be _basic_config.php, _config.php and _upgrade.php
Can you please tell me what should I modify in these conf files after I replacing the new files from “b2evolution-4.1.2-to-4.1.3.zip” archive?
Comment from: fplanque

If you haven’t touched anything else, copy your _basic_config.php from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 and you’ll be fine.
Comment from: Kenneth Brooks

I installed Version 4.1.3-2012-03-02 two days ago. My site shows 4.1.3 installed, but I received this message
WARNING: You are running an outdated development version (). Version 4.1.3-2012-03-02 is available for download. It is strongly recommended that you upgrade.
I downloaded and installed 4.1.3-2012-03-02 again today 3/7 and after a successful install received the same message. How do I correct this situation?
Comment from: Gary Sicard

Great job Francois - Another solid release. B2evo rocks.
Comment from: fplanque

I’d like to give credit to Alex/sam2kb for tracking and implementing the majority of the bug fixes in this release.
Does anyone else have the same message as Kenneth?
I take it that the CVS repository is no longer being used. I haven’t seen an update there in months. It’s unfortunate to have to copy whole files over (CVS access or even patches with some context would be much better), as it undoes a lot of the changes I’ve made to the code (mostly to fix the errors it causes in PHP 5.4).