Comment from: Sebastián Lalaurette

Comment from: Rajeshkumar R

I started using b2evolution recently for my personal website. I upgraded to the latest stable version two days ago.
I installed captcha plugin. But after the plug in is enabled, if we click leave a comment link, page fails to load correctly. A white page appears and the a small button for reloading the image appears on top left hand corner.
Please let me know how to fix this. The captcha was working fine until the upgrade.
Thank you!
Comment from: nathan fox

hi there, i am using b2evolution online and its telling me to upgrade as i am running an outdated version, but i am not usre how to as its the online version i am using through godaddy and not a version installed on my PC. if you could please advise or help it will be much appreciated. Thanks
Comment from: fplanque

For tech support, please click on the Forums tab at the top right of this screen.
Regarding upgrade, follow the instructions in the Upgrade paragraph of the download page. The standard upgrade procedure works for *all* versions of b2evolution, no matter the version number and the way you first installed it.
Great! Installing…