Comment from: zooplah

Comment from: fplanque

Yes, I did see that talk a few years ago indeed… and indeed: “tactless” is what I remembered the most at the time :)
Just updated GitHub btw ;)
Comment from: Daniel Hahler

Have you considered keeping the project’s history?
Given that you have imported your CVS history into SVN, you could create the Git repo based on this.
Comment from: admin

We actually haven’t imported the CVS history into SVN and we haven’t imported the SVN history into github. All migration tools we tried created so many side effects that we decided against them. Migrating code repositories would have been a (meta) project in itself which we didn’t have time for.
For reference, we will keep the history that already exists on SourceForge.
Comment from: ednong

“We expect to release version 5.1.2 before the end of July” - of which year? ;)
Comment from: Daniel Hahler

I have created an issue to track the importing of the history: https://github.com/b2evolution/b2evolution/issues/2
Please let me know there if you could need help in this regard.
It would also be interesting to hear about the “so many side effects".
Comment from: fplanque

In order not to duplicate the discussion, I have replied on the migration issue only on https://github.com/b2evolution/b2evolution/issues/2
Moving to git is a great thing. It will make it much easier and safer to contribute, through git’s push and pull requests. Linus Torvalds did a talk about it a few years ago (as usual for him, it’s tactless but interesting):
I used to think that CVS was an OK tool, but he really hits the nail on the head about the various problems with CVS that we avoided using but don’t think twice about with git.