Comment from: nate

Comment from: fplanque

I think sourceforge downloads are working now :)

thanks for your CMS, it is remarkable and powerful…
but it is sorry that it has small quantity of plugins (for example by comparison to wordpress)..
Comment from: fplanque

Thanks Duncan.
Rather than focusing on the raw number of plugins, I recommend you focus more on features of the CMS and its plugins. If you say you want more plugins, nobody really gets inspired. If you suggest specific plugins that you think are missing, somebody might actually get interested in porting or creating these for b2evolution ;)
Comment from: Emanuel Suceu

You do a great job, fox! I really like b2evolution and I appreciate your efforts to keep it’s high standards.
Happy Holidays!

the number of plugins indicates that this software does not need them. i could not think of a better system. it has all you’ll ever need. i updated today. great job!
Comment from: Solomon

Can I upgrade directly from version 1.9.3 to 3.3.3?
Thank You
Comment from: fplanque

Yes, you can upgrade from *any* older version, as old as 0.7!

does it support php 5.3? very important for me to know

by the way, i got two ideas for plugins, one of them is a plugin for IP blocking rather than banning keywords, it would be very very useful, and second a plugin or something to adjust wordpress skins to work on b2evo because there are not so many b2evo skins and many people have no idea about css. Thanks.
Comment from: fplanque

Yes b2evo does support PHP 5.3.
Comment from: Rune Hellem

Smooth upgrade as always!
the quick update files are coming up as a bad download link. sourceforge says the files don’t exist.