Comment from: fplanque

Ah yeah Ed, thanks for the chipmunk voice compliment… now I hate it even more! :D

Don’t be hard on yourself Francois. I still think the content is very good. You shared a lot of information that was new to me and your quiet explanation of how b2 evolution works should be, for my money, a must-listen for anyone who is interested in blogging platforms. I believe such a person will get value from listening and I suspect won’t be bothered about how the voices sound.
Comment from: Nelson M.

I thought it was a very good interview, don’t be so hrd on yourself about your voice. I hate hearing mine too. I come off sounding like a nasal tone Bob Ross (hippy painter on public broadcasting in the u.s.) so I know exactly what you are talking about.
Thanks for all that you do for all of us.
OMG you sound squeaky :(
The other voice sounds like a voice but you sound like … OMG … a chipmunk :( Not in person is the thing that strikes me. In person you sound like a normal young man. But really, the message is the message eh? Eff-star-star-star wordpress, but … wow … the audio didn’t do you justice.
I need to make a new plugin. I need to offer something no one knows they need but everyone wants. That’d be cool yah?