Comment from: fplanque

The thing is that many people actually don’t need multiple languages, or multiple users or even multiple blogs. And that message tends to make them think that b2evolution is not for them. I do believe b2evolution is great for any power blogger, even if she doesn’t run multiple languages/users/blogs.
Comment from: gael

Glad to see you back!
I like the sentence “"Easy as a blog, powerful as a CMS", it’s more representative. I think that (like you said) many people does’nt use the multi-language or multi-blog engine. You have to do some statistics, you should create a poll. :)

Francois, yes, many people don`t needed in all specific functions, but, may be, that phrase tell`em what they can get something more powerful than any other blog engine? :) (sorry for my english)

just wanted to say that ‘Multiblog’ is the strength of B2Evo. Don’t dump it. I searched for a good multiblog, experimented with wordpress, but was amazed with B2 and implemented it for a charity organisation. Thanks for this wonderful software!
Comment from: laygnuk

I used B2evolution for the website of a company that really needed the multiblog possibilities to get what they have now, and they are totally happy with it, that’s how we found b2 too :)
ps : happy to see you in a more “productive” place, i’m sure B2evolution will win 100% from your summer move !

Good to hear back from you. I’m hoping b2evo 3 has lots of mobile device friendly features.
anyway - about your last question - how about:
b2evolution: a blogging content management system for one or multiple users in multiple languages.
I think you may need to spell it out. The hard core people can dig into the details. For the average wordpress-wannabes, the tag line will be more descriptive.
I would also suggest expanding the “Recent Blogs” section since those blogs are your free marketing. You sort of want to show case them like http://wordpress.com does theirs. Maybe select some blogs you think showcase b2evo really well and have those on a particular section.
Enjoy sunny cal.
Comment from: H

Please, don’t get rid of the “Multiblog” part?
I, as most of the people above, found and got hooked by the multiblog feature, since back then I wasn’t able to tell how wonderfull b2evo was with just the blog engine alone.
Altough “Easy as a blog, powerful as a CMS” sounds good, I think I’d belive I had hear the same phrace somewhere else.
Please excuse my english.
Comment from: fater

Do you have estimate release date for 3.0?
Comment from: fplanque

Guys, just to make it clear: no feature will be removed! B2evolution will stay multiblog, muliuser and multilanguage. It’s just about changing the “baseline” *text*. Of course you all got hooked by the current one. That’s my point! I believe that changing it would attract different people, and potentially more people, to the *exact same software* with the *exact same features*.

dear Francois
why allways bigger and bigger
less is more
i love “the code” from the beginning
but is more and more a difficult to handle moster
see the mySQL datebase after few days
and if you put 6-8 new enrtys a day
please make it simple
greetings from southwest germany guido
by the way
i allways say if peoples me ask about blogs
this is the BEST blog system for the own webspace

I actually like the proposed new tagline.
Many people don’t realize a blog can be made to look like a CMS-based website like Joomla or Drupal.
Comment from: Scott Crumpler

How about “The multi-everything publishing engine."? That could work.

The “multi multi multi” aspect of b2evolution is what sets it apart from the mindless masses of blog apps out there. So why would you remove that from the base advertising of the app?
BTW to my mind “Easy as a blog, powerful as a CMS” rolls quite well in my Americanized version of English. What it doesn’t do is highlight something that, to the best of my knowledge, remains a unique place that b2evo happens to dominate. That’d be the space where one installation provides multiple blogs for multiple users in multiple languages.
OTOH emphasizing how b2evo is on the verge of being an actual CMS is a damned good idea. Say “blog” to the average idiot and they act like they know enough to look down on bloggers. Talk about a content management system and they’re all “OMG I will totally pay you cuz like a CMS is way better than a bee-otch blog from some punk in pajamas in their mommy’s basement". derrrr…
PS yeah I’m on the verge of making a wee bit of money from someone I don’t want to say “blog” to but will happily say “cms” to ;)
OT: Either way, please make sure the comments in the code supports the auto-docs again :(

Am I the only one that sees a lead in for “SuperBlog"? If you’re gonna start it, might as well finish it! ;)
I vote for:
“Easy as a blog, powerful as a CMS … able to create multi-blogs in a single bound!”
Comment from: Alex Railean

- Technically speaking, a blog engine _is_ a CMS, so the original statement is a bit misleading.
- No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to express all the beauty of b2evo in the motto (too many features, and the motto must be kept short)
- Therefore the punchline has to be a short one, and it has to tackle the problem from a different perspective.
I suggest something like “b2evo - one blog to rule them all” or “b2evo - one blog engine to rule them all".
This exposes no details about the engine’s feature set, yet it makes it clear that b2evo claims to be superior to anything else, which it is.
p.s. Is there a roadmap which explains why and how v3.0 will come to be? I’m still happy with v1.10.x.
Comment from: fplanque

Alex, I have no idea how you can not want the super sweet 2.x backoffice + the fact that upgrades are now incredibly easy.
However I totally agree on the motto: you have to say one thing and not try to list all the features. I’m not sure we want to make an obnoxious claim, but I believe you’re definitely on the right path here.
v 3.0… will come to be because “Blogging evolved“, “In blog we trust” and as always we want to give more “Power to the bloggers” who want to use “The blogging alternative“, even if b2evolution is actually “More than a blog“… Regarding the roadmap, you gotta remember that we “Blog with style“, since “Blogging is an art” (not science!) and so is b2evolution. (Seriously, the minute I lay down a roadmap you can be sure that nothing that’s on there is actually gonna happen as planned…)
Pick a line :)
Comment from: fdeconiac

“Your version of b2evolution is stable and up to date. Get ready for b2evolution 2.4.5 !”
==> I’m more than ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Easy as a blog, powerful as a CMS” is not so unique. I can tell this phrase about many CMS…
And only B2evolution - is a real “Multilingual multiuser multiblog engine".
May be “Multilingual multiuser multiblog and easy"? :)