Comment from: edbennett

Comment from: fplanque

Well I guess they don’t need nor care about the demo page that displays multiple blogs on one page. Can’t blame them for that.
Comment from: test2

their site is full of sponsor logos all around and they couldn’t fill in b2evolution? those guys are cheap!

It annoys me intensely that people don’t give the credit that is deserved. Make sure you raise the issue before them!

The lousy extent of their b2 recognition…. placed at the bottom of the source code.
“SXSW News blogs powered b2evolution.”
Comment from: emin ozlem

these guys suck!! they ve even removed that powered by line that u ve mentioned
Comment from: fplanque

yeah I wouldn’t say they suck. I mean, using b2evolution in itself is kinda cool.
However, for people who put up an event packed with alternative culture you’d expect them to be a lot cooler than that and actually proudly endorse their use of an alternative blogging platform (vs the dull mainstream W thing ;))

Uhh, At the bottom of every blog page is says “SXSW News blogs powered by b2evolution.” That’s as much as my blog says. As for the sponsor logos, they are just that, sponsor. They paid money. Probably quite a bit.
Comment from: fplanque

Groovy! Obviously they just added it. They’re definitely going way up on my coolometer :))
The interactive part of the event just ended. I almost wish I’d stay for the Music event now :P ah… well… maybe next year… Especially if they push the coolness to the point they actually invite me here :))

Yes…. they finally did the right thing and added a page bottom credit with a link :)

I think you guys are overreacting a little. The link now says it’s powered by b2evolution. Even if it doesn’t though, that’s the nature of open source, the code is “free". They can brand it as their own if they like. That doesn’t make them “evil". Or at least not in my opinion.

@ Callum
SXSW is bigger than Ben Hur, they are not a “not for profit” small operation and no doubt more than cover their costs. They get featured in the NYT and global press and have Web design gurus as featured speakers.
A basic unspoken rule is that if you use “open source” software or applications, you give due credit. You won’t go to prison if you don’t but these dudes know that rule.
It looks like it was an oversight on their behalf and they have realized it by adding the link backs.
This is positive news for b2 and it’s small group of talented developers that more than deserves compliance with the good manners of link back recognition.
Comment from: edbennett

Yeah Callum I’m with John, but also dig this: the people *here* are pretty much into b2evo so of course we’re gonna over-react a bit. Every open source app on the planet knows that no one HAS TO give credit, and is thankful for those that do. But when a BIG outfit uses your free code and doesn’t give link-love that kinda hurts ya know?
But hey they got a linkback to b2evo now so hooray for them! Now I don’t feel obligated to steal their skin and give it away ;)
Comment from: Gupik

That means that I made the best choice I could: I picked b2evo :P

The company I work for, the account girl actually is married to one of the top execs for SXSW, perhaps I can go hit her on the head about the site using b2evolution for their blogs. But then again, she gives me my paycheck so I think I’ll leave her alone.
But then again, I doubt most don’t know or care, it’s the webmaster that probably picked it, blame him: David Rose webmaster@sxsw.com ;)
You have to think like a regular user who uses the internet, they don’t care what it is, they just want it to work or display in their browser.
Gotta love whois.
Comment from: tony

I’m switching b2evolution ASAP!
Comment from: Home Security

I believe the issue about SxSW not giving credit to b2evolution is resolved already? Well, congratulations. You guys deserve it.
Comment from: Jamie Peterson

I’ve heard a lot about this B2evolution… I’m thinking of switchin as well… lol
http://2008.sxsw.com/blogs/summary.php ;)
They managed to break multiblogs by deleting blogs 2 and 3 and 4. Probably too hard to figure out how to recycle ‘em yah?