Comment from: laygnuk

Wow !! nice stuff are coming out :) more flexibility, more options, more quality !
Thanks for B2evo !

hi, thanks for all the work - your development effort is greatly appreciated!
but, I didn’t get it exactly. I’m running 1.9.3 and my users can already subscribe to email notifications per blog. is this new?
I’m asking because I wonder if my users could also subscribe to email notifications on a category basis… but that’s not what you mean, do you?
Comment from: fplanque

;) What I meant is that you can now decide which blogs can get subscribed to and which not.
For example, you can prevent people from subscribing to your blogroll.
Comment from: chris

This sounds great and like kirill said b2revolution is a good title
Comment from: E. I. Sanchez

I use blog #1 as the main aggregator and subscription page.
Blog #1 makes it very easy to have a single place where people see the latest content and where they can subscribe to all content.
Will I be able to keep doing this going forward?
Comment from: fplanque

E.I. Sanchez: yes (coz’ I’m doing that too ;))
And there’s even more…
In 2.0 you can define multiple aggregate blogs if you want (not just blog #1) and you can choose which blogs are aggregated in each of these aggregates (not necessarily *all* blogs are aggregated).
Comment from: Tensh

Well, what about an avatar for users by default? It’s easy, just another database field and some lines of code…
I’m quite tired with the mods… and it adds the identity to users.

Hi Francois,
You didn’t mention about the photoblog capability in 2.0. Is it included?
Comment from: fplanque

Yes, photoblogging is included ;)
Comment from: shamanalix

I just started my first blog today with y’all’s 1.9.x through one of my forums, Aces-Cracked.net. Is 1.9.x safe or should we be getting/using waiting for w.0? I know nothing about computers or the lingo. Your forum talk of hackers scare sme. Thanks!
Comment from: fplanque

1.9.3 is perfectly safe.

I am the event manager for a LifeStyle store Chains here and y’day we hadda open the stores at 4am for the Harry Potter latest book launch. Folks started streamin in from 5am onwards. There was celebration and jubiliation when the books came in at 7pm.
I’m right now in the same mind-frame. Every morning at 5am, before hitting the sack, I check my Feed Reader to see if FP has announced the release of 2.0. :-)
Great going folks…

Hey I was just at WordCamp 2007 in San Francisco and it convinced me how much Wordpress sucks, especially the tons of bugs it has and the creepy loser culture that has grown up around it, so I hope you come out soon with an awesome 2.0 B2Evolution package because even “Florida” is better than the current Wordpress and I’m expecting a lot with this upgrade.
Comment from: Doug Latornell

Will the per blog option setting in 2.0 include the ability to set the default_post_status for each blog?
I have a couple of private blogs, and a couple of public ones. I have to set default_post_status to protected or private in conf/_admin.php to protect the private posts, but I’m forever forgetting to set the status to published on the posts in the public blogs. I guess I could do something with user permissions, but I’d still love to see this as a per blog setting.
Just a small thing really. I’ve been using b2evo for over 3 years in a variety of instances, and am very happy with it. Thanks for the great work.
Comment from: fplanque

Doug, I know what you mean, I need that feature too. So don’t worry, there is no way it can slip out of my mind. It’s not the highest priority at the moment but it will be done!
Comment from: JeffpOsaka

Thanks. I can’t wait to download it. I wonder about the different numbering systems? 1.1 or 2.0?

Is it possible to download this now? If not, when will it become available?
Seems, it will be not b2evolution, but b2revolution =)