Layout is great unless you still have 800 x 600. I think that the grey panels are dull :)
Well done with 1.9.
Comment from: Суслов Кирилл

Good! Very fresh!
Comment from: Nightriger

Looks awesome!! :)

It’s a start. It was kind of discouraging, seeing b2evo get all this awesome technology, but no frontend upgrades. Keep it up!
Comment from: fplanque

Does anyone here actually still use 800*600 ?
I have tried to make it so that you will only have the right col hidden at this resolution, and you should be able to live without it.
You can also zoom out and see the whole page… smaller ;)

Does anyone here actually still use 800*600?
Most likely not :) however studies have shown that with bigger monitors, people resize their browsers to a smaller size and put more stuff on their screens.
I appreciate that the left column content is the the important stuff for site navigation.
A quick survey of friends showed a 100% thumbs up compared to the original site.
Comment from: fplanque

I just updated the navigation ;)
Comment from: gwylden

I like the new layout, has a good feel to it! :)

Very nice and clean. Just too big for 1024x768, which I believe to be the most used res at the moment.
Comment from: fplanque

What do you mean too big for 1024*768? AFAICS it fits the width… ?

Yip! I am running with large fonts (120DPI), but should not effect the columns widths if you are using fixed widths columns. If you want I can send you a screen shot.
Comment from: fplanque

Gotcha sig_za. No need for a screen shot. It is a design choice that the right column will be hidden if your screen is pretty small, your fonts are pretty large… or… if you make your browser window too small! :P
I actually suspect you are using large fonts just because most sites are written in a very small font in order to fit their 800*600 frame :> I would sugest you zoom out one level or two for this site ;)

Nice Layout - but I cannot see any comment. And I cannot see what I type here in ;) Crazy.
My system: Mac OS 9.1 * Netscape 7.02

looks fine. Good Job!
It’s good!!! :)