Comment from: blueyed

With Phoenix we’ll have better techniques, but until it’s stable, we should really provide the blacklist.
In fact, it’s the only core feature for 0.9 that helps defeating spam.
Comment from: edbennett

I no longer rely on it and only it. The antispam system is now one third of my approach. I use a bit of .htaccess for undesirable keywords (but not full domain names), a simple turing test using text instead of images, and finally the antispam system. I’ve no defense against trackback spam but I have it turned off so I don’t see a problem there.
I think, as blueyed points out, that part of the problem is that the antispam keyword list is the only tool installed by default, and therefore the only tool most users will have available. Fortunately it still works as a ’stand alone’ reaction/protection system for any user even if reporting and retrieving doesn’t work. Anyway I think part of the next stable phoenix release should be MULTIPLE methods to combat each type of spam. That’ll take the load off each specific method, but spam is spam and will never be stopped.
You still have an email addy for me? Let me know what I need in terms of server resources and I’ll see if I can host the antispam component.
Comment from: ¥åßßå

I don’t use the blacklist at all on my blogs, but I understand that there are a lot of people who rely on it (although phoenix and new antispam methods will hopefully reduce that reliance).
If you need any more resources on top of what EdB can provide then let me know. I currently have a *cough windoze* box sat there doing pretty much nothing.
[off topic]
Any ideas when the dev list will be live again?
[/off topic]
Comment from: Dave Brondsema

Ditto blueyed and edbennett.
I can’t really measure how much I use the centralized blacklist v. reactionary cleanup/block. But I believe it is very important.

I use the spam blacklist and only it. I don’t how my blogs will cope without it… However, I don’t have a powerful machine to offer :(.
Comment from: Calvin Park

Wow! I use the blacklist a lot since it’s the only antispam feature installed by default. Our blogs get spammed like crazy, and without the antispam list I’m VERY concerned that it’ll only increase. Unfourtunetly we don’t have a server to offer for antispam.b2evolution.net :( Is the 0.9.2 release going to include new spam filters, or do we still have to wait for phoenix?
Comment from: personman

I’ve been depending on the blacklist for despamming skins.b2evolution.net, plugins.b2evolution.net and a few personal sites, too. I’m in favor of getting it back online as soon as possible.
Comment from: Ryan Bonham

I would be happy to provide some server resources for this.. Please send me an email (ryan at transparent-tech.com) if you are still in need.
Comment from: Christopher

Not great to see that the antispam backlist is down.
So i would be happy to provide the backlist on my server.
If i can help, please contact me ( christopher [.at.] new-zone.de).
I hope the global antispam backlist will come back as soon as possibel.

I have noticed a large increase in spam to my site over the last few days. After visiting here I now know why. It’s a big pity that the spam database has been taken down. I rely a lot on it. Just an idea. How about making the database subscription based. Like paying a SMALL nominal amount per year.
Comment from: Vincent Navarino

Holy *bleep* taking down the central blacklist pretty much *bleeps* us all! Without it, as well as more technology to prevent spam we can go the way of MT!
Comment from: fplanque

… okay, we’ll try to set up a new antispam.b2evolution.net server.
Comment from: William Hill

I think it is a bad idea all together. Not having the blacklist is like leaving the back door unlocked overnight. Sure, there are other anti-spam techniques but they are just that…techniques. Most users do not have the skill, time or knowledge to employ everything that should/could be done to ward of spam. Even with my blog employing a major chunk of the anti-spam solutions I still get spam from time to time. My reporting these attacks will help those who are unable or unwilling to block them.
My vote is to get it back up and running as it was. Otherwise many users blogs will simply be a major spam magnet for bots and other idiots who find pleasure in spamming people.

Howdy, how about changing the “404″ to let people know. Thanks for all the hard work.
Requesting abuse list from b2evolution.net…
Latest update timestamp: 2006-05-02 14:24:10
Remote error: Didn’t receive 200 OK from remote server. (HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found) (5)

I really love the blacklist. It catches a lot of things that I don’t catch on my own. I’m hoping that something will work out to bring it back up…

I don’t mind not having it except I feel less useful now when I do blacklist something as it is not helping anyone else.
Of course my antispam measures did rely heavy on keeping the blacklist updated other measures I took, like removing most all stats on my blog sites, also make my blogs less desirable so I get less spam.
I don’t mind not having public stats or not allowing comments because it means I spend less time chasing down spam and more time updating my various sites :p
Good luck and I do hope it comes back but it won’t be disastrous if it doesn’t in my opinion.

I delete and block a lot of spam on my own but the blacklist catches things that I don’t. I’d say it’s 50%/50% for the three sites I administer.
I could help if it was bandwidth you needed. My host is pressed for CPU though.
I’m down with Sig’s idea of paying a nominal fee either per month, per quarter, or per year if it helps.
Comment from: Vincent Navarino

The blacklist is one of the great features of b2. Even thinking of discontinuing it is a bad idea.
Comment from: fplanque

We hope to have the blacklist back over the week-end.
You’ll need a tiny little update on your b2evo though.
Stay tuned.

Je passes 2 fois par jour c’est ecourant il faut que je prends note du .com d’ou ils proviens et la j’ai barres les tabarnac de vendeur de pilliles
et la je retournes deleter tous les messages dans mon mail. Ca finie plus HELP…
Comment from: edbennett

Everyone please be aware it STILL works as a stand-alone tool. Currently reporting and getting updates is down, but if you get spammed your local copy will clear out the junk and stop all future hits from that spammer.
Unfortunately I can’t host this feature AND for some reason can’t seem to send Francois an email telling him that. Francois if you’re reading this: NEXT!
Oh and a customized 404 for those looking for the update is a good idea. Point them to this post?

Tell me how my mere site can help keep the blacklist running.
Comment from: Vincent Navarino

Our pants are down. This is embarrassing.

I’m also willing to help run some queries from my server, it might help a little. Maybe you can loadbalance the updating over a series of different servers?
Anyhoo: I would really like to see the central list back in the air.
Comment from: Mark

Work something out I can also host a copy of it on one of our servers.

I use the centralized blacklist for 4 blogs and it seems to cut down on the successful spam for the three blogts that are spammed later in the spam-cycle. In the last week or so I’ve seen TONS of requests for my comments_post.php file and only a few appear to be getting through.
Is there a way we can all share the blacklist via BitTorrent or other P2P system instead of hosting it on a file server? It seems like if we distribute the load our numbers will only make it more available.

Since I implemented whoo’s Captcha stuff (http://www.village-idiot.org/archives/2005/01/28/b2evo-captcha-explained/) I haven’t had a single comment spam. But I still get some trackback spam that the blacklist helps with. :-/ & for those that aren’t willing (or able) to hack their b2e installation, the Captcha implementation isn’t very helpful.
Comment from: Tejas Patel

I don’t rely on it.
Comment from: Phil

I use the centralized blacklist and a script to update it a few times a day, and it’s a *huge* help. I’d like to see it at least until pheonix is released.
Comment from: Mark

I relied on the antispam list a great deal. I am in charge of too many b2 installations to easily mod them all.
Since the anti-spam list went down, we have been getting hammered.
Comment from: Vincent Navarino

That it was even thought of to end the blacklist is a huge blow to us all. We need the central blacklist and many more built in spam defeating methods with b2 before we all go the way MT did. We had such a good lead on this problem but now… this just bites.
Comment from: delmarsurf

Howdy! I have been watching this unfold. Is there any prospect of a new blacklist in the near future, or is it gone forever.
I did not realize how much the list was blocking. I have had over 200 spams
Just let us know, is there a plan to get it back or not. I am not wanting to blame anyone, but I need to make some business decisions.
Comment from: Mark

I must agree with the “I didn’t know how much I needed it” comment. Three weeks ago, it wasn’t even a daily problem. Now it is something I must deal with about every 4 hours.
Comment from: ¥åßßå

They’re working on getting the blacklist back on it’s feet again. It may take a short while though, so you’ll need to be patient.
For those of you looking for other methods of fighting spam there’s a dedicated forum full off them here http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewforum.php?f=30 and another one here http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewforum.php?f=28
Comment from: fplanque

The central antispam is almost back…
Might be fully operational for the week-end.
Comment from: delmarsurf

Thank you for the udpade. I have requested from my clients using b2evo as a main component to hit your paypal with a donation to help with costs. Every $$ helps, right?
Comment from: slamp1

I use a script to update my local blacklist using the centralized one few times a day, and it’s a big help against spam.
Comment from: Rui Moreira

I Whould be glad to “donate” Cpu and memory usage ….
Or at least try to give it a go …
Please contact me for discussing details
Comment from: John Luetke

i’d be willing to provide some resources for the anti-spam database
Comment from: fplanque

For those of you reading the old news but not the recent news: the antispam blacklist has moved to a new gome. Read all about here!
The central antispam database is one of the big features in b2evo that I really love. I’ve tried lots of other antispam techniques, but I still feel like the database does a lot to keep down comment spam.