Comment from: blueyed

Comment from: Arnaud

A Debian package of Phoenix should enter the “unstable” release of Debian in a few days…
For those who already use the Debian package of b2evolution 0.9.1, doing an apt-get upgrade will be enough to get Phoenix.
If you are using “testing” or “sarge", you can still use the Debian package… I’ll post a link to it here when the package will be ready.
Comment from: edbennett

I got a little how-to guide for converting skins from the old way to the phoenix way, if anyone is interested. LOTS of changes, but nothing really drastic or hard. BTW the last few pages might not be perfectly accurate since I wrote it a few months back and went off-line for a while. Haven’t gotten the last stuff dialed in yet… http://wonderwinds.com/hackblog.php?p=594 is the shortest link I can come up with for it.
Comment from: Tejas Patel

That’s work well done guys. Looking forward to check it out soon.

Excellent! Will have to have a play with it. And thanks Ed, for the conversion thing … that’ll help speed the process.

It looks promising, but it’s a bit annoying that the URI:s for the feeds have changed. Is it just temporary or is it final that they are like index.php?tempskin=_atom ?
I’m going to wait to deploy it on my web site and just let the 1.6alpha undergo some testing om my localhost computer until the beta or RC.
Comment from: fplanque

The feed URIs have changed permanently but there are stubs in the old locations that will continue to work as long as you want.

Yes, I noticed the new way to let the stubs call the templates. I think it’s a better way to handle the layout issues of the blog - to let all templates be in the same directory.
I just have to find a way to automate the generation of the feed URIs to look as they did before - are there ready made functions or do I have to fix them myself?
Now I’m off to look around the codebase to find new features…

Can we post flash in our blog in this release?
Comment from: buoncri

Only a small prob.
It seems impossible to install b2evolution 1.6 alpha on a folder which is not called “blogs", becouse the install process, link directly to a /blogs dir.
Is there a way to install on a folder different then /blogs ? (becouse I am going to upgrading a 0.9 version and want to try to have the 2 version toghether, to have the time to add hacks & patches to the new alpha)

When will Phoenix be available for Debian/unstable? Is there a chance to have it before/around Christmas?
Comment from: Arnaud

Tube: the Debian package will for sure be available before Christmas.
I’ve already began to package it. It installs pretty well, but i need to be sure the upgrade doesn’t break anything before having it uploaded.
I’ll keep you guys updated.

hopefully other skins are running soon :-)

Do you plan to add support for technorati tags?
Comment from: Janice Jakait

Goooood work guys!!! It is updated on my site! Sure, lot of problems needed a lot of workarrounds (especially the _feedback.php) that my old Style works again . But at all: It feels like a whole thing

Hi Arnaud, what is the state of Phoenix for Debian? There is still version 0.9.1b-4

In the new version, UTF-8 Support please if it is possible.

does B2 evolution allow automatic blog creation / assigning a new blog to a new registered user?
Comment from: Lex

Is b2evo compatible with Blogger API? Performancing keeps telling me that it can’t access the categories. The people at Performancing say that it is a bug in b2evo :/ dunno what to do. Will there be a fix or patch for that?
Anyway: great blog software :)

does B2 evolution allow automatic blog creation / assigning a new blog to a new registered user?
w00t :)