If you can type the word “install” then you’ve got it easy ;)

Ive done some pretty good hax on my blog: http://blog.balupton.nghosting.org
The author info bar, when a author has been clicked.
The list of authors.
Avatars for authors, or the current blog.
Mods to the post display.
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A better comment viewer.
Yer hope you like
Comment from: edbennett

I will be writing a “how to” on upgrading to the next generation, especially regarding common skin stuff. I’m afraid it won’t be as easy as it has been in the past, but no worries!!! I’m watching what the dev team does with an eye on how to make MY skin work (and mine is hacked like crazy), so I keep a little file of all the changes I have to make. As soon as we have an official release I’ll work on documenting the process till my fingers fall off, then finish it and let everyone know.
Hey check it out. If we all have to spend some time on our skins for a radically overhauled core it’s a small price right? Also if your upgrade is delayed a bit while people figure out how to keep your stuff intact that’s not so bad. Is it?
Comment from: Tejas Patel

Will the new version do anything about comment SPAM and referrer SPAM?
Comment from: fplanque

Yes it will. Many different things.
Most probably there’s also going to be a version 0.9.1 (stable branch) with added spam prevention features.
Some of these features are currently in a test phase…
Comment from: Stephen Ralph

I read the “Permissions” section of the feature list and need a little more clarification please. With Phoenix can I allow members, upon registration, to automatically post to each blog but only edit their own posts? I think I heard someone mention that on the forum. Thanks guys.

I love the memcached support, even if my host does not intend to install it (I’m going to try until he does ;)). memcached might be a real solution for high traffic blogs.
Comment from: Frank Johnson

Good Service
Wow. You guys have been busy. Any indication how easy it will be to upgrade from the last version? (I guess I shouldn’t ask…)