Comment from: assjol

Comment from: fplanque

Try another mirror. HEAnet works for example. SWITCH doesn’t. The joys of SourceForge…
Comment from: topanga

I just upgrade tot madrid yesterday evening with success.
I do like to have the feature of moving post between blogs.
Is it simply do this stuff ?
( conf/_admin : $allow_moving_chapters = true; )
( conf/_admin : $allow_cross_posting = 3; )
( conf/_advanced : $redirect_to_postblog = true; )
or are other files involved ?
Comment from: assjol

now the links are workin :D
1st time with this webblog, ill check it out and comment later.
Comment from: fplanque

Topanga, is indeed a little more than just 3 additional lines in the config files. These are just the instructions for enabling these advanced functions in version

Since I really only run one blog from my b2 software (and it seems like only yesterday that I upgraded to 9.0.8), is it worth my upgrading to copenhagen already, since it seems that most of the upgraded bits revolve around multiblogs, or will this cause me problems later on, jumping to a higher upgrade?
Comment from: fplanque

Indeed, there is no urgency in upgrading from if you’re happy with it. Also, you’ll be able to upgrade to a higher version later without any problems.
Upgrade from is pretty painless though, so you should consider doing it, just for the added stability ;)

thanks françois, I’ll be brave and do it soon, after I’ve got over the last time! ;p
Comment from: mijo

There is info that this should be translated to Finnis also, but just installed ( via Fantastico provided my ISP) ant there is no Finnis to be selected… Where can I foud it, or is this some wrong info..?
Comment from: fplanque

Finnish is included in the standard release available on the Downloads page. It is possible that Fantastico has removed Finnish but I doubt it. What languages are available to be selected??
Comment from: kalvin

b2evolution looks like phpnuke… is it the same code ?
How could I find how to put a pictures gallery on b2evolution (with the same skin etc) ?
Thanks mates.
the dowload doesnt work. :S