The forums have moved to the same server as the main site, generously provided by Travis S and Domain51.
Until DNS caches update, you may still be accessing the old forums, which are now closed. So if you get a "board unavailable" message, just try again a few hours later.
The forums were previously hosted on a server generously provided by Jason Murphy, but he’s switching to a different hosting scheme and it doesn’t fit that well with hosting the forums. It was good while it lasted, though. Thanks Jason!
Now we rely fully on Mr Travis who agreed to host everything. Thanks to you Travis! B)
However, in order to take some server load off of Travis and also to have some kind of failure security, it would be nice to have another host for the forums. Anyone interested in contributing some of his hosting bandwidth to the b2evo project? :?:
What do you need to run the forums? MySQL + PHP, or something more?