
This panel allows you to manage the recipient of the email campaign and possibly assign user tags to recipients.
Published by on 2017-12-28
This page tells you what you need to know to upload files to your web server and mange them using FTP, which stands for **File Transfer Protocol**, in case you wonder. This page tells you what you need…
Published by on 2015-02-28
This widget displays the differences between custom fields of the selected items. [image:8764:Sample display of the Compare Item Fields widget] Settings Title: the title to display. Items to compare: this option lets you select what items will be…
Published by on 2019-03-13
This panel allows you to customize how usernames are shown to logged-in Users in the Front Office.
Published by on 2019-07-08
This panel allows you to customize how usernames will be seen by Anonymous Users in the Front Office.
Published by on 2019-07-08
When installed, this plugin will add a "Glossary terms:" field to the Item edit form. Then, when saving other posts, this renderer plugin will try to find all glossary terms and link them to the correct Item for that Glossary Term. Markdown /…
Published by on 2019-07-24
Tiny URLs or Short URLs are shorter URLs to your content, which can be useful when positing on social media. By default, b2evolution will generate Tiny URLs for all your content, base on your baseurl. But if you actually have a short domain that…
Published by on 2020-01-30
This page displays and lets you manage the quick templates that are available to your site. The templates list has the following columns: Context: The context usage of the quick template. This lets you know where the template can be used. Name: The…
Published by on 2020-02-10
When creating or editing a template you will be presented with this form. Name: the descriptive name of the quick template. This should display what the template is for and what type of information it displays. Code: The internal code used to reference…
Published by on 2020-02-10
Developer Interview Standalone Page
Here are a few tests you can do to check you will be comfortable with adding code to b2evolution. 0. Install b2evolution CMS on your dev machine Fork b2evolution on GitHub, then check out the 7.0dev branch. Install it according to the readme…
Published by on 2020-03-04
Goal Display several Posts/Items as Tabs that can be switched instantly (if Javascript is enabled) like this: Particularities: All content is loaded at once but only one tab is visible at a time If Javascript is enables, the switching requires no HTTP…
Published by on 2020-09-04
2019-06-10_22-11-39.png File: PNG image
File size: 343 KB
10.26.30_pm.png File: PNG image
File size: 330 KB