
The Tech Documentation is about the closest thing you’ll find so far. If you posted a fake email address, contact me via a comment or something and I’ll work with you to port over the moon phase thing if it can be done.
Published by on 2004-08-19
2005-11-20 Hi, I got my b2evolition BLOG SPAMMED by unrelated websites and they used over 80% of my 5Gigabyte resources within 20 days, had to find a fix. Reading this section of the website saw that others have same problem and they asked " How do…
Published by Nick Naggar on 2005-11-21
Hello! Thanks sooo much @fplanque for creating this page! It's incredibly useful for B2evolution users. I work with the InMotion Community Support team and we were looking into the case that resulted in you creating this page. Basically, as per the…
Published by on 2014-01-17
Blog by email Comment
and .. when will the mail that sent, be posted in my b2evolution page ? thx
Published by on 2014-04-08
Most of the params above work only on disp=posts.
Published by on 2018-10-09
URL Parameters Manual Page
This man page refers to b2evolution version: 1.6 "phoenix" b2evolution relies a lot on the querystring, these variables passed with the URL (note: to pass variables in the querystring, preceed the first variable name with a '?' question mark and every…
Published by on 2004-06-04
Article Manual Page
Synonym for Item.
Published by on 2004-06-04
So you want to localize (mainly translate) b2evolution to your own language? Here’s how to do it with minimum effort by using the gettext system provided by b2evo. If this is the first time you are dealing with localization and/or gettext, you may…
Published by on 2004-06-16
Localization FAQ Manual Page
THIS PAGE IS DEPRECATED. In a newer release, my language file contains translations that do not make sense... Yes, this is normal. These translations are automatic guesses for new strings you haven't translated yet. They marked as fuzzy and they ar…
Published by on 2004-06-16
Many users would like to just add a flag for their country, even if they don't use a localized version for their language. Here's how to proceed: Find the ISO 3166 code for your country. Let's assume it is XY. Find a flag for your country an…
Published by on 2004-06-27
Guided Tour Intro-Cat
This section will give you a quick tour of b2evolution as you will find it right after installation so you can familiarize yourself with your new site and the software behind it. This section will not cover all features and possibilities in depth. For…
Published by on 2012-10-24
a_noskin.php Manual Page
a_noskin.php is a file found in your base directory (the /blogs directory in the installation package) which has a very specific use. It is provided as a way to list the output of your blog without including the layout and styles of a skin. This will pr…
Published by on 2012-10-27
The latest documentation for upgrading to a higher version is included in your blog bundle, specifically in the doc directory. For example: doc/upgradefrom_b2evo.en-UK.html. The following instructions refer to the upgrade documentation included with ver…
Published by on 2012-10-28
Make sure you start by following the general upgrade instructions. Once the new version is installed, you may need the information below for fine tuning… Stub files Overall, stub files remain the same. However, since the file organization has…
Published by on 2012-10-30
Keeping the spammers at bay with a hardened .htaccess should be your first line of defense with any web site. So let’s get started! Restricting Where Comments Originate From Everyone likes comments, but no-one wants comment spam. The simple…
Published by on 2012-11-01
You can find and configure the Item’s advanced properties in this panel.
Published by on 2012-11-03
Running b2evolution on a local server (your own computer) is often desirable for testing, editing skins, running the CVS (latest development) version, or for a variety of other reasons. ‘’This is ‘'’not”’ a way to upd…
Published by on 2012-11-04
Screencasts Manual Page
‘’Proposed b2evolution screencasts'’ Install assumed: web space and database :fp: I don’t think this should be assumed. I think you should explain that you need to get a webhost (show that […
Published by on 2012-11-04
Warning: The following assumes you have administrative access to the Windows server where b2Evolution is served from and that the Task Scheduler service is enabled. These instructions are valid for Windows Server 2000 and 2003. They will probably work…
Published by on 2012-11-04
Stub File Manual Page
A Stub File is a placeholder file that will make a particlar Blog or Collection live in a particular place of your website. For example you could create a stub file called myblog.php at the root of your website so that your blog could be accessed at ht…
Published by on 2012-11-04