
Crumbs (nonces) Manual Page
Principle The goal of crumbs is to prevent a hacker from being able to blindly carry out actions on your blog by tricking you into clicking on a link. For example, let’s suppose a hacker sends you an email containing a link saying "click h…
Published by on 2012-10-31
Goals Explained Manual Page
Goals allow you to track hits on specific links or specific pages. They are called "goals" because they serve a similar purpose as what is called "goals" in other analytics packages such as Google Analytics. Tracking clicks on a…
Published by on 2012-11-01
Setup a New Blog Manual Page
Here are some simple steps to add a new blog to your site: #In backoffice? under the tab? click the link at the bottom to create a ‘'’New blog”’. #Fill out the tab#General_tab | form? for creating a new blog. #Click ‘'&…
Published by on 2012-11-04
Analytics Tab Intro-Cat
The Analytics Tab displays detailed and summarized information about hits on your site. Website analytics can provide insights and data about your visitors that can help you create a better user experience for them. Understanding the nature and behavior of your visitors is also key to optimizing a website for key conversion metrics.
Published by on 2012-11-04
Editor Manual Page
We use the convenient term "moderator" to designate a User who has been given Advanced Permissions to create and especially edit Posts? or Comments? having the Review, Member and/or Community Post/Comment visibility statuses. (Note the User m…
Published by on 2012-11-04
To give an example, here is a question from the forum: ‘’Is there any way that I could add something so it shows as:'’ Day 331 of Week 48 Wednesday November, 28 2007 This is the answer: ‘’Find your skin, crack open ind…
Published by on 2012-11-05
If you already have a personalized skin that works with b2evolution 1.6 and you now want to upgrade it to work with 1.8, then this guide shows you how. Luckily, there’s not much to it. Head plugin hook There’s a new plugin hook that allo…
Published by on 2012-11-06
An ‘'’Antispam Plugin”’ is a plugin that implements methods to prevent/fight back at spam. Creating an ‘'’Antispam Plugin”’ is the same as [[CreatingPlugin|creating a "normal" plugin]]. This pag…
Published by on 2012-11-11
.htaccess File Manual Page
In the /blogs folder there should be a file called .htaccess . This file optimizes the way the Apache web server works with b2evolution? If you used the standard b2evolution installer, this file will probably be already set up properly. However, if in…
Published by on 2012-11-11
This tab shows a list of currently scheduled jobs. Each line represents a job that is pending (waiting to be executed), currently executing (started), or has already executed: Finished, Timed out, Error.
Published by on 2012-11-11
Styling widgets Manual Page
b2evolution has a method to automagically apply styles to each widget you might select for any given container. Your skin needs to use a special class caller in order to get the automagic classes to happen. After that, your style sheet needs to say what…
Published by on 2012-11-18
Contents Tab Intro-Cat
This section will explain everything about the Collection Contents tab in the back-office.
Published by on 2012-11-21
If your blog is being hammered with comment spam, it will get slower and slower as your database gets bloated with hundreds of thousands of spammy comments. At some point your site will get so slow and will consume so many resources that your web hosti…
Published by on 2013-01-18
Comment spam is a plague on all blogs, forums and generally all websites that allow user generated content. Why is that? Spammers are actually professionals hired to do just that! What they try to achieve is to place a link to their own website (or th…
Published by on 2013-03-06
This panel controls the activation process for newly created user accounts.
Published by on 2013-07-18
There are several ways to access the file manager.
Published by on 2013-09-12
Widget Caching Manual Page
Widget output can be cached in memory on the server using the BlockCache (requires a memory cache like APC to be installed).
Published by on 2013-09-12
You can manage the slugs associated with an Item in the Item Edit Form. There are some considerations you should know when specifying URL slugs.
Published by on 2013-09-14
Note: on collections of type "Manual" the revision history can also be accessed from the front office by a link at the bottom of each page (for editors only).
Published by on 2013-09-14
This is a very annoying error kind of error! First let us be extremely clear about 2 things: 1) you should always backup your site, and especially your database before attempting an upgrade. 2) this kind of error does NOT happen randomly. It happens…
Published by on 2013-09-17