
In b2evo 7.2+, this widgets has been merged with Menu Link or Button Widget This widget displays a configurable menu entry to show the current User’s Flagged Items. These will be displayed through disp = flagged. This widget differs from a normal…
Published by on 2019-03-13
Item Usage Manual Page
The Item Usage defines the internal function of an Item Type. For example: "Blog Post", "Post with custom fields" and "Manual Page" may be 3 Item-Types that all have the usage of "In content flow Post".…
Published by on 2019-04-22
When creating or editing a template you will be presented with this form. Name: the descriptive name of the quick template. This should display what the template is for and what type of information it displays. Code: The internal code used to reference…
Published by on 2020-02-10
If you get error messages like "A redirection to an external URL was blocked for security reasons.", check this configuration variable. /** * Most of the time, the best security practice is to NOT allow redirects from your current site to…
Published by on 2020-08-20
double quotes "keyword# or "key words" can be used in the search and if there is such a term it will be at the top of the list, probably 100%. If there is no such term then the search will continue to look for the individual terms. See…
Published by on 2019-02-28
they are included in the site-wide header Because in b2evolution v6, the site-wide header includes a page list widget by default.
Published by on 2019-06-14
delete slug options. To delete a default (canonical) slug as explained in, add another to the beginning of the line under the actual post. Although this does not reorder the list of slugs it does…
Published by on 2019-07-23
Contributions are welcome! Anyone can contibute... there's so much to do: development of course (PHP, Javascript...) but also graphic design (icons, skins, Flash skins...), translation, documentation, testing, security checking, support... and even eva…
Published by on 2004-06-05
These are guidelines you should follow to make your code match the existing b2evolution code. The goal is to keep the coding style consistent throughout the whole project.
Published by on 2004-06-16
This man page refers to b2evolution version: 0.8.2-RC2 This explains how to make an evoSkin out of a regular blog template. Of course, you could also start from scratch by editing the custom skin. The idea is to customize the custom skin by using your…
Published by on 2004-06-16
When you look at the provided Introducing Templates/EvoSkins? you will see function calls like this for example: <?php the_time() ?> ...which will display the time of the current post, using the default time format. However, many of these function…
Published by on 2004-06-16
This man page refers to b2evolution version: 0.9 What are evoSkins? evoSkins are skins for your b2evolution blog. If you've ever used any skin-enabled software (like WinAMP) you probably get the idea! In a nutshell, evoSkins have two main benefits…
Published by on 2004-06-16
This man page refers to b2evolution version 1.6 The easiest way is this: Make a copy of the file _test.plugin.php Rename the new file to _newname.plugin.php (choose whatever newname you want) Open the _newname.plugin.php file. Renam…
Published by on 2004-09-26
Forum Anatomy Manual Page
Forum functionality has been integrated into the b2evolution platform in a clever and easy-to-use way. There is no need to install or configure additional plugins. Many of the settings used to manage blogs also apply to the forums. To understand how the…
Published by on 2012-10-23
Collections vs Blogs, Items vs Posts, etc.
Published by on 2012-10-27
You typically do not need to signup for anything to use b2evolution. b2evolution is software you can download for free and install on your own web server. See System requirements for more information about web server requirements. If you don’t…
Published by on 2012-11-01
FTP Manual Page
FTP means "File Transfer Protocol". It is used to transfer files from one computer to another over the internet. In the context of using b2evolution, you may need FTP to transfer the b2evolution files from your home/work computer to your web…
Published by on 2012-11-01
Make New Post UC Manual Page
Characteristics Main Actor The Blogger Actors and Motivations The Blogger: wants to make a new Post without wasting time on technical web publishing details. Trigger Some information is available for (even delayed) publishing. Preconditions A Bl…
Published by on 2012-11-02
Move a Category Manual Page
You can move an entire category (including all of it’s posts and subcategories) from one blog to another. This can be useful if you decide to break a category out into its own blog, or if you’ve been posting to All and now you want to move…
Published by on 2012-11-02
Plugins allow you to extend b2evolution with features that are not included in the the core. Plugins provide additional functionality by taping into hooks that are provided by the b2evolution core.
Published by on 2012-11-02