
‘’This man page refers to b2evolution version, but should be applicable to most versions that support evoSkins‘’ This is useful if you want to integrate b2evolution into an existing site, and keep the same "look an…
Published by on 2012-11-05
Editing Widgets Manual Page
Widgets are small applications that can be inserted into your blog. You can edit widgets in the BackOffice using the Blogs > [Blog Name] > Widgets tab. The widgets tab lists containers that represent different areas of your blog, such as the head…
Published by on 2012-11-13
Recycling Comments Manual Page
You can remove a comment from a post by recycling it. To recycle a comment, simply click on the corresponding Recycle button.
Published by on 2012-11-28
This is a very annoying error kind of error! First let us be extremely clear about 2 things: 1) you should always backup your site, and especially your database before attempting an upgrade. 2) this kind of error does NOT happen randomly. It happens…
Published by on 2013-09-17
This feature allows you to group your goals into categories. All the categories defined here are available to be selected at the goals form when you create or edit them.
Published by on 2013-12-09
When you develop a new skin, you should check that it matches a set of standards so that it will work effectively in a variety of situations, for a variety of users and so that it is as much future poof as possible (best compatibility with future…
Published by on 2015-05-03
File Type Editing Manual Page
This form is used define a file type and change its properties.
Published by on 2015-09-20
disp = sitemap Manual Page
This Disp is used to display a human-readable sitemap for the current collection. If you are looking for an XML Sitemap instead check here: Sitemaps Panel.
Published by on 2015-10-08
Using Grunt Manual Page
Grunt is a very powerful command line tool for processing files on your development machine. For example, it can compile a .less file into .css, then concatenate several .css files into a .bundle.css file, then minify (compress) that bundle into a…
Published by on 2016-01-24
This panel allows you to take additional actions through Automation when a User clicks a CTA Button, Like, Dislike and Activate button/link.
Published by on 2018-12-18
This widget displays the differences between custom fields of the selected items. [image:8764:Sample display of the Compare Item Fields widget] Settings Title: the title to display. Items to compare: this option lets you select what items will be…
Published by on 2019-03-13
This tool will let you quickly generate many sample email campaigns. This is useful for stress-testing b2evolution.
Published by on 2019-09-12
This widget displays a form where logged-in users can enter the amount they pledge to contribute to a cause or project. The target amount is associated with a Custom Field in the Post/Item.
Published by on 2020-05-22
I tried this with a Treo 600 using T-Mobile in the US and it worked slick. To setup a Palm Treo 600, go to the Applications list and choose MMS. Once MMS is running, click the menu button, and select the Options-Preferences menu. Under Connection…
Published by Rich M on 2005-09-24
In a nutshell: you need a webserver with PHP 5 and MySQL 5 or later.
Published by on 2004-06-04
It is assumed that readers have a general knowledge of the World Wide Web. These are very high level use cases. Detailed use cases are linked underneath (when available). Blog tool Motivation: publishing news/information easily and efficiently o…
Published by on 2004-06-04
There are several FAQs in this manual: FAQ on b2evolution in general FAQ on Installation / Upgrade FAQ on Using b2evolution If you can’t find an answer in any of these, please ask your question in the forums.
Published by on 2004-06-16
This page is about upgrading from version 0.9.0.x to 0.9.1 The latest documentation for upgrading is included in your blog bundle, in the doc directory, for example [codespan]doc/upgradefrom_b2evo.en-UK.html[/codespan]. The following documentation refe…
Published by on 2005-11-29
In order to add content to your site you first need to log in, then click the 'Write' option in the menu bar at the top of the page.
Published by on 2012-10-25
This page is going to begin as my notes about using b2evolution as a content management system (CMS). I’m just going to jot down some notes as I work and later I (or someone) can come back and expand this into an article about how to use b2evolut…
Published by on 2012-10-28