Comment from: fplanque

Indeed… you should try it!

Well, I jumped into it.
Is it a waste of time to attempt skin, CSS and file edits before the final 1.8?
An issue that confued me ( easily done ) was the Media file which is now at CHMOD 777.

1) New install 1.8(b)(locale) anu blog:
MySQL error!
Illegal mix of collations (cp1251_general_ci,IMPLICIT), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE), (latin1_swedish_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation ‘ IN ‘(Errno=1270)
:( (I can help to test for error correction )
see detail: http://forums.b2evolution.net/viewtopic.php?t=8370
2) To whom send my the translation messages.po(Russian)
3) Much want russian branch on forum!

Wiki’s been updated to reflect the changes;
Comment from: blueyed

Re: “use of random .gif images that contain a short password”
I’ve released version 1.8 of the captcha_img_plugin:
https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=160495&package_id=196745 . You may also want to take a look at its manual page: http://manual.b2evolution.net/Plugins/captcha_img_plugin
Comment from: Tejas Patel

Installed fine on a test site. Now lets try to tweak it :)

I realized there’s no Japanese locales after upgrade. The site can’t display right characters after that. I tried clean install on the other site, the result remains the same. Downgrade is not accepted anyway. So I’m waiting for not-beta version.
Comment from: fplanque

The locales are comming. We are working on them.
In the meantime, you may want to get your locale from here:
(locales may not be up to date but should work nethertheless).
Comment from: laygnuk

Hey, upgrade went fine, copied all my personal stuff (dhtml menu + some javascript library to the new custom skin) but then i got this : Fatal error: Call to undefined function: permalink() in /home/www/3919671c4f50aa1aef6731f51154d469/web/skins/custom/_main.php on line 238
any idea on what can i do to correct the situation ?
by the way, thanks for B2evo, antispam etc.. !! superb work !
Comment from: laygnuk

hmmm my fault..i should have updated the skin custon coming in the new beta package, now everything works fine..i was updated the custom skin for 1.6.. all my fault :) keep up with the good work !
this is great ! works perfect !
Comment from: Edgar Sanchez

Will the new spam feature support keyword matching? right now we get a lot of “nice work", or “nice website", or “You’ve done a great job!”
It would be nice to be able to block such keywords.
It would also be nice to block entire domains like “*.be”
or “*.ru” which seem to be getting the best of us.
Comment from: Derek

The version 1.8-beta is unable to display archives by year. For eg. at http://demo.b2evolution.net/stable.php4/blogs/index.php?blog=2&m=2006 it just displays “Sorry, there is no post to display…” This is surely a bug as the 0.9.2 does not have this issue.

Will it be a huge problem for me to go from 0.91 straight to 1.8 ? What do I need to know ?
Comment from: fplanque

Just a quick reminder: this is not the right place for tech support.
Comment from: guido waldenmeier

dear folks and pilgrim
any idea about the final version
maybe then No 10 ;o)
great software !
The anti-spam improvements are much appreciated. and I probably should try this release before commenting but I don’t have the time.
Those developing anitspam aspects of b2evo should check out the user controlled basic anti-spam settings techniques used on the blog engine “serendipity". I have found them more effctive a idetifying spam than previous realeases of B2evo. Most noteable is the use of random .gif images that contain a short password (which are of course unreadable to robots) required for adding comments. But perhaps similar techniques are included in the “Basic guestbook spambot defeating techniques” included in this version? If this is the case if it will be much welcomed.