Comment from: tilqicom

Comment from: fplanque

How do you like the download button now? ;)
On the fly filtering is a great idea. We’ll work on that.
Front end editing is implemented in 5.0 but it needs some move development to manage file attachments from the front end.
Comment from: tilqicom

Yup, the download button is definitely better (: But i wonder why you are still not making use of bootstrap.
The filter thingy should be easy -i think-, considering all of those are categories; it should be a simple matter of adding/removing to catsel[].
Good to hear front-end posting is implemented in 5.x. Is it implemented already in the latest versions, where can i test it or is it still in the works ?
Comment from: fplanque

I didn’t say 5.x, I said 5.0. It is in the version you can download currently.
Bootstrap is coming in 5.1 or 5.2 (there are bugs that get priority dev time over bootstrap. At this point bootstrap is implemented in internal dev versions but not tested/polished)
Comment from: ednong

nice to see there will be changes now. But:
- I wish to see, if the template is responsive or not (and this I want to see on the first look, so I will not click on “Details");
- I wish to see which version of b2evo will be supported by themes - on the first look, like above
- it would be nice to have keywords/tags with the themes, not only categories.
And it would really nice to have more modern themes like the other blog software has.
Comment from: gsicard

I love the new theme site. Very easy to navigate and download .. Great job.
First impression:
Expected something totally different, but it looks better already.
1- In the multiple display you have a large block image, that doesnt add much by opening in a light box. So i’d recommend either
a.) Keep the large-block image but link it to single detail page.
b.) Make the image smaller & inline and keep the lightbox.
(I’d go with b.)
2- The download link obviously need to be more noticable, a proper call-to-action button.
3- Checkboxes could be styled differently. For example colour option checkboxes can be replaced with a square with the corresponding color.
4- On-the-fly filtering would be nice. I.e. if i click “2 column” category, i get the 2-column skins, but when i click on “black” the query get reset and i only get blacks.
Ideally i should be able to get “2 column & Black” skins on step2. We could put the current filters on right hand sidebar that can be removed from the current query.
These are what i see on the front end at the first glimpse.
Development wise; b2 obviously lacks proper, decent skins. It should be easier for people to submit & maintain themes.
Every theme is a post right ? So the post could be assigned to the author, so that the author can edit their theme and publish updates. (Changes could be moderated before they go live)
Btw, where are we on front-end publishing with b2 5.x ? The ability to post without actually going to the backoffice ? It’d be great as a plugin, so that members (or maybe even guests) can submit posts.