Comment from: tilqicom

Comment from: nanahuatl

Niltze, Tilqicom!
You may create for yourself a free account at Red Hat OpenShift platform as a service (PaaS) cloud https://www.openshift.com/ . It will allow you to allocate 3 small instances consisting of PHP, MySQL, PHPAdmin, etc. sufficient to host showcase some of your work.
In fact, I created a blog entry on how to install b2evolution into OpenShift PaaS from my GitHub Repository https://github.com/Metztli/b2evo-metztli . Please visit my Blog http://www.metztli-it.com/blog/index.php/aB1?blog=4 for further details.
Besides my b2evolution QuickStart, others have created QuickStarts for other popular Web Apps (in case, you need them instead/or in addition to b2evolution).
Best Professional Regards.
Comment from: archidev_ghosh

To whom it may concern,
This is Archidev, a Calcutta University graduate having seven years of publishing experience, specifically in KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing) companies as Editor in India. At present, I work on freelance basis for www.Econintersect.com.
I may be called for, to help publish articles/reports/research works using B2Evolution/Wordpress.
All Yours
Archidev Ghosh
Calcutta, W.B., India
Comment from: achillis

I am available for B2evolution Skins, Plugins. See my profile for contact information.
Comment from: fplanque

Just a quick note to say we have updated the b2evolution professionals page (among others) today: http://b2evolution.net/about/b2evolution-professionals
I may be contacted for theme development. I am now quite experienced with bootstrap and new techniques. Basically, I can port any template or psd file into a b2 skin, or create one from scratch.
I don’t have a website where i can showcase my work for now (shoemakers children go barefoot) but i plan to make one when i find the time. So many plans, so little time (:
Have a good day everyone