Comment from: Sebastián Lalaurette

Uh… no crossposting setting in the backoffice yet?
Mass editing possible but mass deletion impossible?
Is multiblog navigation corrected now?
So many questions, so much fear to break it… ;)
Comment from: fplanque

Gary: I created a forum for 4.x bug reports.
Sebastian: Crossposting CAN be enabled/disbaled in the backoffice.
Mass delete and better multiblog navigation are on the todo list.
Comment from: Gary Sicard

Thank you sir. I will post a detailed description shortly. Nothing major so far. b2Evolution is a splendid example of great coding. I love it.
Comment from: Gary Sicard

hello Francois. My issues are related to bluehost - not with your script. Excellent work.
Comment from: fplanque

Gary do you have errors at the bottom of the page at blue host? I’ve seen some of these on the blue host test site, only in the admin. If you find how to fix this by changing blue host options, please let me know.
Comment from: Gary Sicard

on bluehost if you go to php config in cpanel and choose php Fast CGI as your default php handler the error goes away. I just tried it on another 4.0 alpha site since my server is down at bluehost.
I do not know at this point if it will affect any other function of the site but will let you know.
So for your bluehost members you can suggest that they activate phpfast cgi from cpanel > software services > php config.
I have a couple screen shots but did not know where to post them.
Thanks for a great program.
Comment from: fplanque

Sebastian: better multiblog navigation is ready in version 4.0.1.

How close are we getting to 4.0.1? I wanna try out that fancy new twitter plugin. :^D
Comment from: CFD Trading

Cool just installed b2evo…i love the new features and the plugins plaform that com with it…keep up the nice work guys.
Comment from: Gary Sicard

I just used the admin-tools-backup feature to backup a website and it put the site in maintenance mode with a 503 error page. Cannot get any other pages to load.
Using 4.0 alpha on bluehost with fast-cgi installed.
503 Service Unavailable
System backup is in progress. Please reload this page in a few minutes.
It has been that way for over 24 hours now. Any ideas.
Comment from: fplanque

In your /conf directory, delete the file called maintenance.html
Apparently your backup took too long and the webhost killed the script before it could finish and delete the file by itself. You cannot trust the backup to be complete in this situation.
Comment from: Gary Sicard

Thank you. That did it. By the way, I cannot get into the forum because my account was not activated. Can you help?
Thank you for releasing the 4.0 alpha. I installed it on my blog at http://garysicard.com and wanted to know where I can post some feedback. I have so far only discovered two errors that I don’t think are significant but wanted to share them. I did not see a place in the forum to post on version 4.