Comment from: welby

I will be, but if i did win any moneys, i’d have to say donate it all back to the b2evo donations pot.
As far as i know theres only two entries todate
Mine however, is going to rock your cotton socks :P

i hope im not late. ive been busy with my studies these days.
also if the end date is near, please extend it :P

When is the deadline? And I’m with Welby, if I enter and win any monies I plan to donate them right back to b2evo.

When is the deadline? I wanted to post another one if I have the time…
Comment from: fplanque

There is no deadline. The competition runs until 20 different competitors have participated. It will probably take time, espcially if people are on summer vacation away from keyboard and mouse! ;)
Good news: DetroitServers is donating 12 months of free hosting to the winners (best evoSkin and best admin style). I am updating the post above.
Details of the hosting plans:
- 500MB/day Transfer (15GB/month)
- 500MB Disk Space
- 1 MySQL Databases
- 25 Mailboxes
- Unlimited E-Mail Forwarding, Aliases and Auto-Responders
- Junk E-Mail Filtering
- Web-Based E-mail
- Access by SSH, FTP
- First-Rate Support
- Log (web stats) Analysis Tools
- Account Control Center to Manage Your Services
- Server and Network Monitoring
- Back-Ups
Thank you Eric.


*blink* Wow. That kicks.

still on ?
Comment from: graham

Yes, it is.

Wow. This competition has been going on like forever.
Will the skin section be fully restored? Since the last crisis that happened to the section, only a few skins have been restored. Most of the skins have gone missing.
I believe that’s bad for any new users to switch to b2evo when they have so few skins to choose from.
Comment from: graham

We’ve been having problems with the hosting provider for the skins site, but we are working to rectify the problem.

Evoskins site is back: http://skins.b2evolution.net/
how many people already participated the skin competition ?
i think alot will join if you up the prize money.