Categories: Obsolete, 6.x Series
Released on May 27th, 2015.
This is a beta version.
"beta" means there may be a few bugs, but globally it works. For what it's worth, some of us are running this in production already.
Also available on GitHub.
Our easy Installation Guide will provide step by step instructions to get you started with b2evolution.
If you want to upgrade your installation to this beta version, see: Upgrading an existing installation.
IMPORTANT: many root files are no longer needed in this version and should ideally be deleted from your web server. Also, you should use the provided tool to convert your database to UTF-8. Please check Upgrade to b2evolution version 6.x for instructions.
In addition to what's been introduced in 6.4.2-beta:
- Tag manager allowing to rename, merge and delete tags as needed.
- Tags are now becoming case sensitive and special-char sensitive ("changé" is different from "change" and from "Change"). This fixes an array of problems but creates sort of duplicate tags. The next step will be have tag aliases which will group related tags together.
- Enhanced Tag Cloud widget.
- Enhanced installer.
- Strengthened upgrade script.
- Enhanced DB normalization tool (UTF-8/ASCII).
- Enhanced and more responsive Bootstrap Forums skin.
- Enhanced widget editing screen.
- Enhanced plugin management screen.
- Better responsive user profile (disp=user)
- Bug fixes (many)
1 comment
Comment from: chris_of_arabia

Looks good - it seems to have cleared a minor glitch I had with the previous version (Admin avatar not loading when logged in). I think I’m about ready to upload this on my production blog, then get to re-creating the skin I was working on, but based on Bootstrap this time.