2 kiesow Jun 01, 2004 19:30

damn, forgotten something.
for the import script you just need to take entry_body, add the more-tag and add then extended_entry. and voilĂ , there’s the whole content in only one field. still no need for two :-)
well, i should also be possible with excerpt.
content = excerpt + teaser-tag + entry_body + more-tag + extended_entry.
still only one field, no changes needed for the database.
I think entry_body + more-tag + extended_entry is good.
The excerpt however, I see it a summary/teaser that does not fit into the post flow and would be better in a separate field.
Btw, kiesow, impelmenting this does not remove any of the existing features of b2evo.
i like more the way b2evo is doing. it’s more flexible.
if you don’t want to have the full entry at the index page you can use <!–more–>
so there’s no need for two input fields.
the excerpt, well, could be nice sometimes…
but i really the possibilities b2evo have: more, page, …