1 patrick1 May 16, 2004 17:28

I have noticed the big beat up about Wordpress, and it is strange since MT is still free for single blogs anyway.
As a current MT user about to switch, probably to B2evol, my I offer some promotional advice…
Priority 1 is a conversion tool!
List of plugins easily accessible from the front page, so people can compare, and so people are aware of the size of the B2evol community
Get out and advertise! Slashdot etc have all had articles on MT. Use your mod points etc.
4 patrick1 May 17, 2004 01:19

Yes we should perhaps advertise but the difference between advertise and spamming is very thin :(
List of plug-ins : none yet because plug in system is a new feature in 0.9 released today :) So actually there isn’t much plug-ins but lot of great features are already included in core. Our main page give a feature list almost complete.
If you want to download free version you have to register and click about 10 links :(
- go to https://secure.sixapart.com/
- choose Download Movable Type Free
- register (using disposable email from www.jetable.org )
- follow link in your email
- choose to download full version
- cancel download (it’s a 3.0 version)
- choose view your account
- choose to download MT 2.661
- done :)