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1 Apr 13, 2004 11:06    

We need to handle these 3 new fields:


the icon is just an icon name. The user can include if in
his template like this:
<img src="somepath/<?php cat_icon() ?>" />

We have permission to steal all the icons on for the demo.
Let's save these in a 'caticons' directory next to 'smilies'

2 Isaac Schlueter May 16, 2004 18:02

Isaac Schlueter

The evo_categories table has columns for icon, longdesc, and description, so maybe this is already planned.

1. Add back-office stuff to upload a pic, and enter short and long descriptions for each category in b2categories.php, action=’Edit’.
2. Template functions:

All should work the same way as single_cat_title(): only show when one category is selected.
3. Member functions:
Item::cat_icons( $mainclass='#', $otherclass='#') List all the category icons. <img class="$otherclass" src="somecatpic.jpg" /><img class="$mainclass" src="maincatpic.jpg" />
Item::main_cat_icon( $imgclass='#') Show the icon for the main category only.
Item::cat_icon_links(-) Make all the icons links to the categories.
Item::main_cat_icon_link(-) Make the main cat icon a link to the category.