Recent Topics

1 Aug 23, 2005 22:09    


I would like to remove the Top and Recent Refer section of my blog on: This is because a lot of sites spam it. They make it look like the top refer, so it looks as though I endorse these sites, when I clearly do not.

Can anyone help me?


Antony. X

2 Aug 23, 2005 22:20

There are three cans of worms setting open now, so we might as well dive in.

1. You can remove the remove the recent and top referers from your sidebar by editing the skin. Open up /skins/yourskin/_main.php and search for 'Recent Referers'. You should be able to tell what needs to be deleted. Note that people will still be able to view the same stats by going to

2. If you want to kill the spam, keep your blacklist up to date with the central one. Go to the Antispam tab in the backoffice and click on 'request update' several times until it stops getting new items. Do this once in a while or search the forums for ways to automate it. You can use stats without having much spam.

3. Referers don't represent sites that you endorse, but rather sites that are linking to you. They can be very interesting statistics when they're real.

3 Aug 23, 2005 22:50

Can you please tell me which bits I need to delete from my _main.php file. I tried editing a few times to get a error when I tried to load my page, lol.

The reason I've got one of these blogs, so easy to use. If you could copy / paste the sections I need to remove or something, that would be great.

Thanks personman!!!

Antony. XX

4 Aug 23, 2005 23:01

Ok, I downloaded the crystal glass skin to find the right code. Get rid of this code, and the stats will be gone from your sidebar:

<?php if( false ) { // nice little cheat here! ?>
<?php if ($disp != 'stats') { ?>
<div class="bSideItem">
	<h3><?php echo T_('Recent Referers') ?></h3>
	<?php refererList(5, 'global', 0, 0, 'no', '', ($blog > 1) ? $blog : ''); ?>
	<?php if( count( $res_stats ) ) foreach( $res_stats as $row_stats ) { ?>
	<li><a href="<?php stats_referer() ?>" rel="nofollow"><?php stats_basedomain() ?></a></li>
	<?php } // End stat loop ?>
	<li><a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'blogstatsurl', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('more...') ?></a></li>
	<br />
	<h3><?php echo T_('Top Referers') ?></h3>
	<?php refererList(5, 'global', 0, 0, 'no', 'baseDomain', ($blog > 1) ? $blog : ''); ?>
	<?php if( count( $res_stats ) ) foreach( $res_stats as $row_stats ) { ?>
	<li><a href="<?php stats_referer() ?>" rel="nofollow"><?php stats_basedomain() ?></a></li>
	<?php } // End stat loop ?>
	<li><a href="<?php $Blog->disp( 'blogstatsurl', 'raw' ) ?>"><?php echo T_('more...') ?></a></li>
	<?php } ?>
	<?php } // end nice little cheat! ?>

5 Aug 24, 2005 23:13


Thanks!!! :lol: :D :D :D

Got rid of the referal bit thanks to your help!!!

Antony. X X x x X X

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