1.9-beta "Casino Royale"
Categories: 1.9 series, Obsolete
Change Log
- Enhanced stats (fplanque)
- Different item edit views: simple, advanced (blueyed, fplanque)
- Fixed previewing, if $redirect_to_postblog setting is used (blueyed)
- Cleaned up blog management (fplanque)
- Stay in same blog when accessing blog settings (fplanque)
- Visual skin selector (fplanque)
- Filemanager: basic image preview while browsing (blueyed)
- Post contents get pre-rendered and cached at edit time in order to speed up complex displays. The cache data gets invalidated automatically, e.g. if a plugin gets updated. However, just in case, there’s a "Delete item cache" action in the "Tools".
- Ping services are now implemented as plugins with b2evolution.net and Pingomatic included. There is also a "Generic ping plugin" which can be used for common RPC ping services. (blueyed)
- Different modes of hitlog/session pruning: per page, as cron job or "off" (fplanque, blueyed)
- Bonus template for standalone contact form. (fplanque)
- Enhanced result tables (progidistri, fplanque, blueyed)
- Enhanced handling of locale dateformats (especially when editing posts with other date format chars than "d", "m" and "Y"/"y") (blueyed)
- mailto:-links and relative links are valid again are get converted to absolute ones in feeds (blueyed)
- Added $htsrv_url_sensitive config variable which gets used where password are involved (blueyed)
- "Time difference" can now handle values like "1.5" hours. (blueyed, balupton)
- Plugins
- Enhanced smilies plugin (Yabba)
- Plugins can get localized/translated (blueyed)
- Plugin name and short description of installed plugins can be edited by the admin (blueyed)
- Plugins should not use a constructor anymore, but the PluginInit() method instead. The previous AppendPluginRegister() method has been "renamed" to PluginInit(). (blueyed)
- Plugins can be grouped (see Plugin::group and Plugin::sub_group) (balupton, blueyed)
- Added b2evo_Callbacks Javascript object to help plugins interact with the textarea and each other (blueyed)
- Optimized expensive queries in calendar plugin (fplanque)
- Added events/hooks: Logout, DisplayTrackbackAddr, GetCronJobs, ExecCronJob
- Added hook RenderItemAsText, removed general RenderItem
- Added hooks DisplayItemAsHtml, DisplayItemAsXml and DisplayItemAsText; removed general DisplayItemAllFormats (blueyed)
- Added hook ItemApplyAsRenderer for lazy renderers, which asks the Plugin if it wants to get added or removed as a renderer (blueyed)
- Added hooks GetProvidedSkins and DisplaySkin, so a Plugin can register skin handlers, e.g. for displaying something like Google * Sitemaps (blueyed)
- Added hook ItemSendPing: gets called, when pinging for new items (blueyed)
- Developer stuff:
- Enhanced form abortion detection javascript (fplanque)
- Application errors (from debug_die()) now get logged like normal PHP errors. See $log_app_errors in /conf/_advanced.php. Experimental. (blueyed)
- Charset handling improved; added $force_io_charset_if_accepted setting (blueyed)
- Cleaned up skins (fplanque)
- Optimized performance of (Abstract)Settings, especially get() (blueyed)
- Debuglog gets saved in user’s session, to simplify debugging when redirects get used, e.g. when a comment gets posted (blueyed, yabba)