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1 Apr 15, 2004 17:41    

As said on title : users would like to be able to see what they do.

Even if people can preview the post a lot of newbies are used to see what the'll get while typing

2 fplanque Apr 09, 2004 22:47


main problem: they produce crappy HTML that does not validate!

related: make validators more easily configurable.

3 Topanga Apr 09, 2004 23:03


It would be very nice for people to find the place of the validators more easy.
Is it mossible to change that in the backoffice instead of ‘go to line 354 and change there…’ ?

4 patrick Apr 09, 2004 23:16


Yes i know about the code they produce :(

mg could comment this post because he’s the one that used this. He integrated spaw editor in b2evo. For more information just follow title link :)

5 Apr 10, 2004 17:33

I dropped the idea of integrating either SPAW or htmlAREA because of the pour code (as Francois said). So, I’m not making a move, untill they start generating valid code.
I found Quicktags+XHTML validator more usefull. Sorry.