Recent Topics

1 Jan 16, 2016 15:48    

I'd like to either/both (a) keep track of how many views a post has received and/or (b) compiles a list of the top-viewed posts across all blogs.
But what I found is that threr is no post views field in the database at all.
I remember sometimes ago it had one there.
I have to say It's very userful for blog owner also the members to see which post is most popular for some couldn't comment blogs.
So, Why remove this feature ?

2 Jan 16, 2016 16:09

Answered 10 times already in the forums and the manual.

3 Jan 16, 2016 17:49

@fplanque wrote earlier:

Answered 10 times already in the forums and the manual.

I am sorry about that I didn't see forum and manual carefully, also my English is not very well and harder to find sth.

In the manual say that "robot could create a heavy load on SQL servers which in turn lead to many users having their web-hosting accounts suspended". Of course ,it's very importment for the WAN. In the past I always created the internal apply so really rarely considered about this issue. Also this time, I eager to use b2evolution for a unversity of China , where the teachers and students use it in campus network, which would not be opened to the internet.

So, please forgive me for not thoughtfully considered this question to ask.

4 Jan 24, 2016 23:38

If you want to make a list of top posts, would it not make more sense to add "like" buttons to the posts (we are working on that). Likes are easier to count than unique page views.

5 Jan 24, 2016 23:40

Will your users (sudents, teachers?) all be logged in? (maybe with a single sign on?)

In that case we have a view counting infrastructure coming out. (the same as the what currently shows you unread posts in the forum).

The real problem is counting anonymous views and trying to remove duplicates and robots.

Also, if you want to make a list of top posts, would it not make more sense to add "like" buttons to the posts (we are working on that) and then use the like count?

6 Jan 25, 2016 14:48

@fplanque wrote earlier:

Will your users (sudents, teachers?) all be logged in? (maybe with a single sign on?)

In that case we have a view counting infrastructure coming out. (the same as the what currently shows you unread posts in the forum).

The real problem is counting anonymous views and trying to remove duplicates and robots.

Also, if you want to make a list of top posts, would it not make more sense to add "like" buttons to the posts (we are working on that) and then use the like count?

Yes, all the users should be logged in for the posts and disscutions would not be shown to the public.
It's great if there is "like" button for topics! What I need is just to show the top posts which can describe users interests also it would let author get more positivity.

I am very much looking forward to this feature, thank you very much for your attention to this function. :)

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