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1 Sep 12, 2005 20:03    

What is the purpose of the Syndicate this blog portion?


2 Sep 12, 2005 20:05

It allows people follow your blog without having to visit it


3 Sep 12, 2005 20:11

The technology behind syndication allows you to subscribe to websites that provided RSS feeds. When the blog will be updated, the RSS client (know as news agreggator) will give you the begin of the article with a link to the full article.

You need to use a client that support RSS such as thunderbird, firefox and so on:

4 Sep 12, 2005 20:35

Hiya ¥åßßå and slamp :) , thanx

So, if I removed it for some strange notion or by accident :oops: it wouldn't be all that detrimental to the function of my blog, right?

5 Sep 12, 2005 20:48

to slamp...

about your avatar
Like, what is that?

6 Sep 12, 2005 21:05

It's me.

Well not exactly ;-)
It's a bird living in Australia: Emu

7 Sep 12, 2005 21:21

Marma Kat,

If you removed that section from your skin's _main,php file ... it would NOT be detrimental to your blog.

However ... it would mean that no one would KNOW that they could "subscribe" to your blog. (Chances are, they could still 'auto-detect' the presence of a Feed, because you prolly wouldn't know to remove the autodetect rel links in the head section - and you'd probably STILL be pumping out a feed) you just would no longer have a link to it on your main page.

I felt the same way, initially, when we set up our blog for the first time. What the heck is this? (Just seemed like clutter).

I left it, but later, chose to aggregate all the options into ONE LINK using a free service - It has a "smart feed" option that allows us to display only ONE feed link (much cleaner on the site).

The link (an antenna graphic in the "site tools" area), allows users to subscribe to our blog, whether they use RSS or Atom or whatever ... which keeps things simple.

Just something to think about.


-stk :D

8 Sep 12, 2005 23:00

slamp wrote:

It's me.

Well not exactly ;-)
It's a bird living in Australia: Emu

Ohhhhh! :o I was looking at the photo with the nostrils as eyes and the eyes as ears. Looked like a puppet. But yes, it's very much an emu. Thanx for unscrambling that for me.

9 Sep 12, 2005 23:03

Now that we know slamp is an emu with a blog, what the heck is YOUR avatar? Before you ask, mine is me. I actually look like that when it's not soarable and I'm waiting for the weather to turn.

10 Sep 12, 2005 23:16


Wow, I had no idea it was so involved. Thanx for the info.

11 Sep 12, 2005 23:22

EdB wrote:

Now that we know slamp is an emu with a blog, what the heck is YOUR avatar? Before you ask, mine is me. I actually look like that when it's not soarable and I'm waiting for the weather to turn.

Why, that's me being spiffy. I'm the kat that knows where it's at. That's why I'm here. :D

12 Sep 13, 2005 15:42

I was looking at the photo with the nostrils as eyes and the eyes as ears.

Lol !!!

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