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1 May 20, 2008 16:36    

My b2evolution Version: 1.10.x


I had a look in the forum but could not find the answers, so hope someone can help me.

Timezone change, I'm based in Europe but the server time is as the US (-5h from my time), was reading in the forum about fixes but couldn't get it to work. it mention that it needs to be changed in the Regional settings, Locales, Where do I need to add the +5 to display the times as my current timezone. I have selected as the default locale "English (GB)"

Only register users can post: I posted a question on another topic, but I would like to be able to setup that all users can read but only register users can post. Can that be done? I tried the "Protected (Members only)" but it hides the whole post.

Blog URL's I configured my blogs under the "Blog URL's" to be "Relative to baseurl" but could not get it to work if I changed from "....../Blog2.php" and "..../blog3.php" to "..../name.php" but it did not work, I get the error page not found, is there anything else I need to do? iOn the same s there a way to change that when you type .../name opens the correct blog?

THANKS for all you help in advance.

2 May 20, 2008 17:14


2) This is default. You may be confused, since you are logged in there is a cookie that knows who you are. Now you see links that other people cannot see. Try viewing your blog on another computer or at least with another browser to see what other people see.

3) Play with the settings. You can also open the tab SEO for some goodies. I just don't know the setting for your specific question ;)

Good luck and have fun

3 May 21, 2008 00:47

Afwas wrote:


Thanks that worked.

Afwas wrote:

2) This is default. You may be confused, since you are logged in there is a cookie that knows who you are. Now you see links that other people cannot see. Try viewing your blog on another computer or at least with another browser to see what other people see.

Tried that but using other browsers I can still post comments without needing to register. Is there a way to set it up to only enter post for register users but allow all users to read the post.

Afwas wrote:

3) Play with the settings. You can also open the tab SEO for some goodies. I just don't know the setting for your specific question ;)

I tried but not luck.

Afwas wrote:

Good luck and have fun

I do, spent hours playing with it over the last couple of days.

Thanks for your help.

4 May 21, 2008 00:53

I misunderstood your second question. The answer is Dashboard-> Global settings -> Plugins install -> Basic Antispam -> "Allow anonymous comments".

5 May 21, 2008 01:15

Afwas wrote:

I misunderstood your second question. The answer is Dashboard-> Global settings -> Plugins install -> Basic Antispam -> "Allow anonymous comments".


That worked

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