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1 Dec 30, 2018 13:56    


in 6.10.5 there is a new feature to add images. It makes it easier to handle some tagging like thumbnail. small or capture text etc. I have got used to tag it hard, so for me it is, especially towards the wysiwyg view in edit or compose it'd prefer to see the exact tags not the thumbs oder images. Thatss a bit strange.

But there is also a problem:
It seems that the thumbnail tags renders different to prior versions - and that causes a problem. I have not changed the css of my skin and obviously former posts which show thumbnails present them as intended. But new posts do not. May be it is al rendering problem.

Here are three screenshots: The first of a former post with correct arrangements of thumbnails and the following screenshots show a post rendered in 6.10.5 with incorrect arrangements.

Is there a way to fix this?

Thanks and Regards

3 Dec 31, 2018 11:34

it renders in setting a line-break <br> after each thumbnail tag and therefore css causes padding top etc.
Although I write:

after rendering there is

So I have to use markup and leave wysiwyg editior mode to cause the tag work as intended.

4 Dec 31, 2018 14:01

It even cuts one paragraph into to, when adding a thumbnail tag within a paragraph. This kills my layout. That iss not really good. In case there is a reason for that, there should be an opt-out for this strange changing the layout.

5 Dec 31, 2018 14:57

@saunders I agree it should be possible to keep multiple thumbnails on a single line. We will fix this asap.

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