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1 Dec 29, 2018 01:34    

6.10.4 to 6.10.5 Parse error; syntax error . . .

FIXED: After a failed upgrade from 6.10.4 to 7.0.0, by manual ftp as auto upgrade doesn't do well on my server, that was unsuccessful as my php is 5.4.41 and it requires a min of 5.6, I uploaded 6.10.5

These uploads are overwrites i don't delete the existing versions.

Anyway I received an error on the 6.10.5 upgrade after trying to update the database, here's a screen shot. It may be related to trying to downdate from 7.0.0 to 6.. but I will check out the file mentioned.

2 Dec 29, 2018 01:45

Here's the code that seems unacceptable from the downloaded file.

	{	// Upgrades are needed:

		$confirmed_db_upgrade = param('confirmed', 'integer', 0); // force confirmation
		$upgrade_db_deltas_confirm_md5 = param( 'upgrade_db_deltas_confirm_md5', 'string', '' );

		if( ! $confirmed_db_upgrade )

Excuse my bitty info but as my connection is 500K so uploading a new version takes a while. I'm thinking of backtracking to 6.10.4

3 Dec 29, 2018 01:50

OK I removed the empty lines in the above code and all went smoothly so staying with 6.10.5

	{	// Upgrades are needed:
		$confirmed_db_upgrade = param('confirmed', 'integer', 0); // force confirmation
		$upgrade_db_deltas_confirm_md5 = param( 'upgrade_db_deltas_confirm_md5', 'string', '' );
		if( ! $confirmed_db_upgrade )

4 Dec 31, 2018 15:14

Weird error indeed.

No matter what, please upgrade to PHP 5.6 or better yet 7.x because you won't be able to run any new version on 5.4.

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