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1 Nov 22, 2015 21:45    

Due to demand from several users and clients, we are starting to implement a RESTful API.

Manual page:

Naturally the first calls we are implementing are:

List Posts

GET <baseurl>/api/v1/collections/<collname>/posts

Retrieve a Post

GET <baseurl>/api/v1/collections/<collname>/posts/<id>


There will be 100+ different calls available in the end.

But if you have specific needs or specific use cases in mind, please let us know early so we can prioritize the calls you need in our implementation.

3 Nov 24, 2015 16:08

Definitely curious, though I'm quite sure my skillset will require an update too

5 Nov 25, 2015 01:23

We also have a custom sort of API for all the AJAX calls in b2evolution (autocomplete, etc.)

This will also all be standardized to REST.

6 May 09, 2016 19:49

Is this just for AJAX or will it be a sort of alternative to XML-RPC?

7 May 12, 2016 04:30

It is a cleanup of Ajax and an alternative to XML-RPC.

Progressively, anything b2evolution can do will be controllable through the REST API.

8 May 21, 2016 04:33

It's great!
Very useful.

9 Jan 24, 2017 04:11

@fplanque how to add posts by restful api ,i can't find the api ,only the method blogger.newPost, i want add a post to B2 from other system .

how to use the restful api ?

10 Jan 24, 2017 04:47

@zxchen oh I think we need to add an API endpoint for adding posts.

How much do you need? Just add a post with text or also custom fields and file attachments?

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