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1 Nov 14, 2017 12:30    

In my blog I embed videos from youtube often. In this new version I see, you need to deactivate the rendering of smilies for correct rendering of addresses of the videos. That is not really good but I do it now.

In the version 6.9.3 I got a strange thing if I embed videos of youtube - some of them will be only a small stripe vertical. The example you will find in this post:

The first video will a small stripe, the second will be normal - and both of them are embedded in the same kind!

In another post you will find the video embedded with the old plugin, because the rendering with the new (included) render of b2evo will result in a stripe too:

The link of the video will be:

The old plugin does not work correct with the mobile theme so the new version will the best solution - if it would works.

Why is it like this? Is it a bug and how it can be solved?

2 Nov 27, 2017 06:49

@ednong there is an issue with the video plugin indeed. As a temporal workaround for you, you can modify the code of this plugin as this:

  1. Open the file `plugins/videoplug_plugin/_videoplug.plugin.php
  2. Find the line: $content = replace_content_outcode( '#\[video:(youtube|dailymotion|vimeo|facebook|google|livevideo|ifilm):([^:]+?):?(\d+%?)?:?(\d+%?)?]#',
  3. Replace it with: $content = replace_content_outcode( '#\[video:(youtube|dailymotion|vimeo|facebook|google|livevideo|ifilm):([^:]+?)]#',

I haven't tested this too much, so it may break other videos. Please, verify that there are no more video related errors after applying this change, if so, just rollback. A proper solution may be delivered as soon as possible.


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